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When Glory Beckons | Chandra Selvadurai

Today’s Guest Chandra Selvadurai

Chandra is a seasoned business executive with a strong background in international pharma and MedTech businesses. He is the MD of Pharmaco - a company that is here to improve lives by delivering exceptional healthcare products which make a profound difference to people’s health and well-being.

Chandra is known for strategic thinking combined with a tactical approach to drive business results, as well as team motivation, collaboration and communication skills at all levels of the organization - and if that's not enough - he is just a top bloke, has a beautiful family and loves to drive old Jags...what's there not to love about him?!

5:33 - Chandra was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and moved to the UK, then Australia before settling in New Zealand. He met his wife Amanda on a blind date while living in New Zealand and they will celebrate their 30th anniversary next year. They have two grown children - Logan and Angelie.

10:49 - A key challenge came in 2019 when Chandra collapsed on a train from Manchester to London. He was lucky enough that two young doctors heard the call from the guard and got him off at Milton Keynes where he was able to recover before returning home safely after being deemed "incompatible with life" by medical professionals.

22:58 - Chandra experienced a near death experience at the age of six when he fell into a large drain in Malaysia. An orthopedic surgeon said they had to amputate his right leg or else he would die. A friend of their family, who was also an orthopedic surgeon, heard about this and offered to help them instead. He saved Chandra's life. This gave him motivation to push himself forward as well as encouragement from his parents: never give up, always move forward, be good people.

33:35 - Chandra draws energy from interactions with people and strives for a situation where both parties are better off. He believes in spending time with those who have the same energy and says that life is too short to not enjoy what you do, or interact with people who don't mean something special to him.

44:20 - Chandra believes that organic growth, leveraging existing partnerships and relationships, looking for new types of businesses to bring on board and pursuing growth by acquisition are the four elements necessary for successful growth. He is also motivated by leaving a legacy through his work which will live on in the hearts of people he works with as well as those who come after him.

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Chandra : And people actually thought I was drunk cuz I had my Manchester United shirt on mm-hmm. and, and I just dropped like a sack of potatoes,

Matt: Welcome to Push To Be More with me, your host, Matt Edmundson. This is a show that talks about the stuff that makes life work and to help us do just that. I am chatting with today's guest, Chandra Selvadurai from Pharmaco about where he has had to push through what he does to recharge his batteries and to be as well as, What he does to be more.

Oh yes. Now the show notes and transcript from my conversation with Chandra are available on our website. On our website you can also sign up for our newsletter, and each week we will email you these links along with the notes and the links from the show automatically direct your inbox.

Totally free. That's amazing. Oh yes. now. This episode is brought to you by Aurion Media, which helps entrepreneurs and business leaders set up and run their own successful podcast. Chandra, what I have found running my own podcast to be really, really rewarding. It opens doors to amazing people like nothing else I have seen, I have built networks, made friends, had a platform to champion my customers, my team, and my suppliers, and I think just about any entrepreneur or business leader should have a podcast because it's had such a huge impact on my own business.

Now, of course, this sounds great in theory, but in reality there is the whole problem of setup, distribution, getting the tech right, knowing what the right podcast strategy is. I mean, the list goes on, you see, as we've all come to learn on this podcast, I love to talk. Yes, I do, but I'm not a big fan of all that other stuff.

So Aurion media takes it all off my plate. I do what I'm good at, and they brilliantly take care of the rest. So if you are wondering if podcasting is a good marketing strategy for your business, do connect with them at That's A U R I O N Uh, and of course, the links will be in the show notes if you have those as well. Oh, yes.

Now let me tell you about Chandra. Chandra is a seasoned business executive with a strong background in international pharma and MedTech businesses. He is the MD of Pharmaco, a company that is here to improve lives by delivering exceptional healthcare products, which make a profound difference to people's health and wellbeing.

He is known for his strategic thinking, uh, combined with a tactical approach to drive business results. He is incredible with things like team motivation, collaboration and communication skills at all level of the organization. And if that is not enough, he's just a top bloke, has a beautiful family, and loves to drive old Jags.

Oh, yes, he does. So what's there not to love about him? Chandra, the legend. Welcome to, uh, push to be More. Great to have you on the podcast, man. Great that you are here. Thanks for joining me..

Chandra : Thanks. Thanks very much, Matt. I'm, I'm not sure, uh, I'm, I'm a legend probably in my own lifetime, , but, uh, lovely, lovely to be, uh, lovely to be on the podcast, mate. Thank you so much for, for asking me on.

Matt: Oh, no, uh, mate, I've been looking forward to this conversation, um, because it's fair to say that you and I over the last few years have got to become quite good friends and we have quite regular conversations and catch-ups, uh, thanks to the power of Zoom. And so, um, I've been looking forward to this sort of the podcast format where I get to direct the questions a little bit more, uh, which is gonna be, which is gonna be great.

So, uh, Chandra's wife is called Amanda. She has sent me a list of questions to ask him live here on the podcast, no, she hasn't Really, before you start sweating. So you are, uh, you're in New Zealand, right? And so how, how is life in New Zealand? It's winter here in the uk it's summer for you. How, how's it all going?

Chandra : uh, well, new Zealand's, God's country, I think. Uh, it's, it's, um, it's a, it's a beautiful place. Uh, we are heading into, yeah, it's first day of summer, was yesterday, the first of of December. And, um, and, uh, , Christmas in New Zealand is quite different from uh mm-hmm. Christmas, uh, in the uk and, and, um, uh, , we're in our shorts and our, our jandals, our slippers mm-hmm.

or flip flops as you would call it. Um, , by the pool, , by, uh, , at the beach. Pardon me. And, um, yeah. And, uh, , the door's wide open, , sweating because it's, uh, hot and humid. Quite a different experience. Uh, it, it, it is Matt, as , you've, you've been here. Yeah. Uh, it is a beautiful, beautiful place.

And, um, and yeah, , I, I thank the good Lord every day when, when I wake up in the morning, , that, uh, that I live in this beautiful country.

Matt: Yeah. No, it is, it is stunning. I do love New Zealand and I do like to visit New Zealand around January, February when I'm sort of fed up with the English gray, drab winter, and I'm like, I just need to go somewhere else in the world.

And there's nowhere better than New Zealand. Right. And so you jump on a plane and a significant time later, you end up on the, on the shores, uh, of New Zealand. So have you always lived in New Zealand?

Chandra : No, no. I, I was, uh, I was born in Malaysia. Mm-hmm. , uh, in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. And, uh, and then I, I scooted off to the UK for a, for, for a, for, for a wee bit, uh, to look at, um, studying in the uk.

But I ended up in Australia, in Perth, in Western Australia. Mm. Uh, and, , New Zealand is, is God's country and, and, uh, and Australia. Uh, , isn't far behind, , God had a second thought about Australia, , uh, and, um, and, , Australia's a pretty cool place as well. Yeah, yeah. So I, I lived in, in, in Perth, in Western Australia for, uh, a number of years and, um, , came across to New Zealand, um, uh, on holiday to see a mate of mine from Perth who had transferred to, uh, to New Zealand.

And he said to me, he says, mate, there's something called snow here, ? And, uh, did you, did you wanna, because we didn't see snow in West Australia, so did you wanna pop over and, and, uh, and , and, and sort of spend a bit of time in the, in the snow? So, so I did. And, um, and I, , I, I had a look in the newspapers there, and, and I, I was a, uh, uh, I trained as a, as a medical scientist.

And, uh, there were lots of jobs for, for, for people of, of, of my sort of background. And I, um, I, uh, applied for a few jobs while I was there. , two days later I get phone calls saying, can you come and see us? And , uh, , the next moment I I, I had, , a few job offers and I thought they like me here, ?

Mm-hmm. So I went back to Australia, finished off my, I was, I had started, uh, my, my, my master's program in, in, uh, over there. And, um, so I, I came back, uh, came to New Zealand. Um, I didn't complete that. I came to New Zealand and, and that was in 1988. Um, oh wow. And, uh, and I never quite got back to, uh, ne, never quite got back to Australia.

Matt: No, no. Stayed in New Zealand. Uh, married an English woman.

Chandra : Uh, yes. I, I, I'm, I married my, my, my beautiful wife Amanda from who, who came, uh, into, came to New Zealand, , 45 years ago from, from Manchester, , so, um, and thankfully, uh, , um, uh, , it was all, I think it all worked out really well.

Cuz , as you well know, Matt, , the, the world's best soccer team is my, my team, Manchester United?

Matt: No, no. And, uh, , sorry, I'm just gonna, just gonna put you on mute now and say, no, it's not Manchester United, just public service announcement. There are some people on this planet that think, man United is a best football team on the planet, right?

They are slightly deluded. Uh, public service announcement over. There you go. Carry on.

Chandra : I think, I think it's inappropriate for us to have an argument on your podcast. So , I'll, I'll step back gracefully and, uh, and allow you to have your time. So, uh,

Matt: Yeah. We, as, as a Liverpool fan, we don't get, we've not had, I mean, we've had a few years recently on the clock, which has been great, but before that we kind of struggled a little bit.

So it's, it's nice to be a bit bit higher up the table..

Chandra : Oh, not, not this, not this year,

Matt: not this season. No, no. Let's not talk about this season. We're moving on. We're waiting for the next one. Because everybody outside of the UK or, or doesn't sort of follow soccer or is not a fan of Liverpool or Manchester United.

Just going, what are you two talking about? Please move on and we will, let's move on.

Chandra : We will.

Matt: So, yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Amanda, she's from Manchester.

Chandra : Yeah, she's from Manchester and yeah. And we, we, we met, um, we met in New Zealand on a blind date, um, and

Matt: a blind date? Was that sort of set up by

Chandra : Amanda isn't blind. Uh, , because, um, , look, look at me. Uh, somehow I managed to, I managed to, um, yeah. , uh, capture her heart. I mean, she got me in the first, uh, , the first, uh, five seconds of me, uh, , laying eyes on her. And, uh, and that was, um, yeah, that was, uh, it'll be our 30th anniversary next year, so, oh, fantastic.

So, I, I think, I think I'd, I'd, I'd, I've done okay. I've done, you've done all, I've punched well above my weight. Yeah. Yeah. So, um,

Matt: to be fair, there's not many men who I know who, who I wouldn't say aren't punching above their weight. Do what I mean? It's . It's, I, it's , anybody. I I think it's probably the secret of marriage, isn't it?

You wake up as a bloke every morning and go, I'm definitely still punching above my weight. I'm just super grateful that I'm still allowed in. Right? So, thank you.

Chandra : Hundred percent. A hundred percent. No. That, that's absolutely right. And, and we are also blessed with, uh, with two, two. Wonderful. Um, yeah. Um, kids, children, while they're all adults now, uh, Logan whom, who lives in, in London, um, uh, and, um, and, and our daughter Anjuli, um, who, who lives not far away from, from, from where we are.

So, um, yeah, both, uh, , Very, very cool people, uh mm-hmm. , and, uh, I'm very, yeah, I'm, I, I'm, I'm very, very blessed to, , to have, uh, yeah, raised these guys,

Matt: they're great kids. I, I remember trying to convince Anjuli to be a Liverpool supporter when I first met her. just bringing it back to football.

Uh, that was my quest in life at that point in time. She's, she's awesome. Uh, so, so, yeah, I mean, , you've got this beautiful wife, beautiful family. You live in an amazing country in New Zealand, right. And you're, you're sort of sat there. So it sounds almost like, , this idyllic life, but I can't imagine that actually it's, it's, it's just been plain sailing and you just handed the keys and it all was like, there you go.

I imagine there's, there's been a few sort of trips and hazards along the way. A few things that you've had to push through. So, um, uh, just sort of casting your mind back, what, what are some of the big challenges that you, you or you and Amanda have had to face uh, during that time?

Chandra : Oh, listen, , without a doubt, um, uh, , there, there've been, there've been a number of challenges.

I mean, , work, my work has been, uh, very much part of, of my life, uh, and our life. Uh, um, and, uh, , we, we've, uh, I think Amanda's had to adjust, , to, uh, to me because, um, , I, I do throw myself into my work. That's another thing which I'm very blessed with. I love what I do. Mm-hmm.

Um, and, and I believe that, , what I do is, is something that does make a difference. If not, why would you do it? Yeah. Um, and, uh, I work again, I'm very, very blessed. I, I work with, , some incredible people. Um, people who I believe are, who are much better than me. Mm-hmm. , uh, and, and make me look good, ?

So, um, , so kudos to them really. Um, and, and they're good people. And, and, and the people who, , I have, uh, I have, um, a lot of affection and, and also respect for. Yeah. Uh, um, and, and so, so, , work, work has been, , has, has, has been a, um, uh, , a very important part is sort of, , it, it, it's, it takes your energy and it, and it gives you energy as well.

Mm-hmm. . Um, and, and, and listen, I think, uh, , we, we have, um, I, I've, I've worked extremely hard. Amanda works extremely hard. Um, and, uh, and , so it's just ensuring that you, you bring, um, you bring your, your kids up, uh, in, in, in a way that sets them up to become good human beings, , um, for, for, , for, for then and, and then for, for their future.

I mean, not so much, , I mean, they're all challenges, of course, but, but, , they're, they're more privileges to be honest. Uh, and I think. . , we've, we've certainly been, , very, very privileged. Um, I mean, I guess, , some of the, the, , some of the key challenges is, , I, I go at 150 mile an hour mm-hmm.

, and not, not in my Jags. I follow the speed limit in uh, and wherever I'm in the world, I , I might go a little bit above the speed limit.

Matt: No, don't say that on the podcast.

Chandra : Sorry. Oops, sorry. Officer . Um, uh, but, um, , I, I, I, I, I, I push, I push hard when, when I'm, when I'm in, when I'm working. Cuz again, , you gotta do the best you can do. You, you can't do it in, in, in half measures. Mm-hmm. .

Um, so you go, you go like flat out and, um, and sometimes I've, I've, um, , I haven't sort of looked after myself and, uh, I think one of, , one of the greatest challenges that Amanda and I had and a few years ago actually was, um, Um, uh, uh, just in 2019 and November, 2019 mm-hmm.

Uh, when I went to the uk, um, uh, with, and, and, and my son and I, one of my bucket list things was to watch Manchester United, um, funnilly enough, uh, at Old Trafford Yeah. With my son, , together with him side by side, uh, and, uh, and watched them, uh, play well and win, uh, in, in that hallowed grounds. And, and we did that and they, they played extremely well in a Crowd of about a, , 79,000 I think it was, at, uh, at Old Trafford.

Um, and we beat, uh, Brighton Hove Albian 3-1. Great game. Mm-hmm. . And, uh, we, we went left, uh, old trafford, , pretty damn happy. But I'd been traveling a fair bit. I traveled to Europe. About, um, three times in three months. And, and I'd been to Asia traveling, had about six trips in, in about six months.

And there's two Australia, countless number, uh, of, of trips to that point in November. Um, and the last trip I, I caught a little bit of a, of a chill or a, or a or a cold. Uh, and, uh, anyway, long story. I, I collapsed on the train from, uh, from, uh, from Manchester to, to London. And I was flying out the next day to, to to come back home to, to New Zealand.

Um, and, uh, and, and that was a, , that, that, that was, uh, quite an experience. And people actually thought I was drunk cuz I had my Manchester United shirt on mm-hmm. and, and I just dropped like a sack of potatoes, ? you know Yeah. And my son Logan had, had, um, had, uh, heard, uh, this sound and, and he knew I wasn't feeling that flash.

And there I was, , um, sprawled on the ground and, um, Uh, and, and, and thank the Lord that, , he, he, he knew he knew what to do and, uh, and got me in a, in, in a recovery position, and I was out cold. Um, so anyway, he convinced me. I, when I came to, he convinced his very stubborn father that we needed to stop the train.

Yeah. Um, and, uh, uh, and, and, and, uh, and we actually had two young doctors, um, from, from Manchester who were on their way back to London, um, who heard the call from the, , the guard had made a call, and, uh, Logan asked him to make, Logan made a few phone calls to the ambulance service and, and, um, uh, anyway, , cut along story short, um, I, I, I agreed and, uh, and I, uh, the train stopped at Milton Keyne.

, the home of, uh, red Bull mm-hmm. and, and, uh, and the racing, uh, sort of fraternity at that stage, I, I had no clue where the heck I was. Um, and, uh, got off the train and I was feeling a little bit better. And, uh, the ambulance guys were waiting for me. And, , we had a bit of a chat and, and, um, , they said, well, , you seem, you seem okay, , Chandra.

And I said, yeah. I said, and it's a bit of a fuss really. So they said, well, just check you out and, uh, , check there's another train, uh, , to London in about, um, in about 45 minutes. And, uh, I thought, oh, well, , just, uh, if, uh, if everything's tickety boo, I'll, I'll head off to London and maybe just, , see a, a doctor in London and I'll be on my way on Sunday. Not to be, um, I crashed on, on the, uh, on the, uh, in the ambulance.

and, um, my, uh, my vitals were what they would say in the medical fraternity, incompatible with life. And uh,

Matt: that's never a good thing to say. Yeah.

Chandra : Never a good thing. I had my son, , sitting there of course, , beside himself. Um, but I came too, , cuz I am a stubborn bugger. So, uh, I wasn't gonna go anywhere.

Um, , um, I I was still celebrating the 3-1 victory and, uh, and being with my son, . So anyway, I ended up in Milton Keyne Hospital and I was there for a, for a few days. Um, and I saw, um, the, , my results cuz I am, I'm medical in, in nature, uh, and, and training as well. And, uh, I, I had a look at, uh, my results and the doctor, the head of the accident & emergency unit said to me, he says, sir, you are very, very lucky.

This the, the, the, your CT scan of your lungs. Um, uh, and the only other time I've ever seen that in my 32 year career was in an 82 year old woman when I was a registrar. And she died of uh, , dual lobe pneumonia. Uh, and, and he said, you are an incredibly lucky man. Because you were literally, , you know less than 20 minutes away from, , not being on this planet.

So, um, so yes, of course, , Amanda was, was here in New Zealand and she was beside herself and I, and was ready to jump on a plane to, to come across. Uh, but, , uh, and my daughter was, , was the same. I mean, they both wanted to come across. And Logan said, it's okay. I'm here, , and he'll be okay.

And, and, uh, and, and I was. Uh, and I, um, I convalesced in London, um, for about two weeks, um, before, um, I was ready to jump on the plane, , to have the trip back, uh, to New Zealand and, uh, and then I came back home. So I think, I think, um, , that, , , over, , 30 years, uh, , it didn't sound like, uh, and there's been a few other challenges, which, which I think in some ways pale in, in, in significance, , so, well,

Matt: not many of them are life and death, right?

Chandra : Correct. Yeah. So, um, uh, so yeah, I mean, , listen, it, it, it's, it's sort of, people have asked me, has it changed me? And, and, um, , do I still travel at 150 mile an hour? I do. Uh, that hasn't changed, but I, I am constantly just checking my, my rear view vision mirror. I'm checking for things in, in, in front of me and I will slow down.

Um, if I see a police officer on the side of road , uh, um, uh, or I will slow down if, if, uh, if, , there is a, is a, there are hazards ahead. So I'm a lot more conscious of, uh, of my, , of my surroundings. And I'm also very conscious that, um, I don't think you get second chances. So I'm taking better care of myself.

Matt: Yeah. Well it's, I was gonna say, I mean, it's interesting, isn't it, when you have these kind of experiences, does it change you or does it just change you for a bit? Um, , it's that kind of the classic one is the guy who's seriously overweight due to poor diet or smoking, has a heart attack, um, is is pulled around a has stent put in or whatever, and is given a second chance at life.

You go around their house three months later and they're still eating all crap food or still smoking the cigarettes. They can't seem to, and it's, um, it's interesting, isn't it, how these sort of near death experiences. Some people it does change, some people it doesn't. Um, and it's, I think it's good that you've learned the lessons from it, right.

And, um, yeah. How's, I, I'm curious, how is Amanda, your wife now treating you when you are flying at 150 miles an hour, given that that has happened? Because I imagine she doesn't let you get away with as much. Right?

Chandra : I think, I think she throws the spikes down, , and to flatten my tires. Yeah, yeah.

Oh, now listen, I, I, I think, , Amanda knows that, , she knows that I sustain myself as well in, in, in, in the way I do things. And, uh, but , she is a. , , she is a, a voice, um, that I, I listen to of course. And, uh, , and she makes me make promises, which I keep now, , that I'm going to take time to, , as my sister has said to me for, for many, many, many years, try and slow down, stop to smell the roses.

Um, and you, I've often said, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. , I'll, I'll do that. But actually now, now I do, Matt, , and I think, , when we met, uh, in, in Bristol, uh, uh, a few weeks ago, uh, , that, um, , I mean, for me that was, that was very, very important because I, I was, I was dead keen to see you and, and, uh, uh, and uh, , so I'm, I am taking, I'm taking some steps to just, um, yeah.

, to slow down a bit. Just, just, just keep, , just take a, , take a, a check, make sure I'm fit, , uh, uh, and, uh, and don't take any chances. Mm-hmm. . And that's probably the different thing, cuz , in the past I would just go. Flat out, , and sort of, , to to, to heck with, uh, anything else. Just, , just get outta my way. I'm, I'm, I'm coming sort of thing. Uh, but now I, I I I, I kind of just slow down to just, just check things before I, before I move forward. Then, then I go as hard as I can.

Matt: Yeah. So this, this desire to sort of push really hard to go as hard as you can, um, is, is that something that you learned, say from, uh, watching, I don't know, your, your dad? Or is that, is, is that something you've had to sort of learn over time? How, how has that come about for you?

Chandra : Um, actually it, it, it came about from another near death experience actually, when I was about, um, when I was about, um, um, six years old, uh, uh, when I, I was riding my bicycle in, in Malaysia, um, when I was a little boy, um, not far away from home and.

There was a guy in a, in a, in a car who drove very erratically and, uh, didn't hit me. But, , I, I, I swerved to avoid him and I fell into a big drain. And in, in, in, in, in Malaysia, they're, they're quite large drains. They're quite, , they, they're cavernous, uh, because there's a lot of, of, of water that sort of moves.

And I, so I, I went, um, I went, um, actually leg first into, into this drain, smacked my, my foot on, uh, on the side. , there were bricks, um, jacking out and cut myself. And, uh, and I was, um, , sort of dazed for a bit. So I, I managed to climb out of the, of the drain and went home and, uh, , mom, uh, my, my, my, my wonderful mom cleaned, , the, uh, my, my wound.

And, um, and , it, it seemed to be, seemed to be fine, but, um, a few days on, uh, it, uh, it, it became quite septic. Mm-hmm. and, uh, and I, I ended up, uh, in hospital, um, a very, very, very sick puppy and Wow. Um, and mom and dad were, , obviously very, very, um, very concerned. And, um, and the, the orthopedic surgeon in the, in the hospital at that particular hospital in Malaysia, um, said that told mom and dad that, um, , they had to amputate my, my right leg.

Uh, because if, if, if they didn't do that, the, the infection has spread to, , all parts of, of my body. I was, I was septicemic as the, as the term. And, uh, and that, , I, I didn't have too much time and if they didn't, uh, take my leg, um, I would die. And, uh, so I, and, and my dad was a, was a, was a great guy.

He was, um, He was a, , he, that's, , that's almost a, a, a story for another podcast. , he was, he was a wonderful man, very articulate, very smart. Um, and, uh, , in his own way, a very driven sort of man as well, who loved his family unreservedly. And he said, I told him, I grabbed him, uh, by his hands and I, I said to him, Papa, please, please don't let them take my leg because I don't know if I would be able to carry on.

And there was a six-year-old kid telling his dad. And so anyway, mom and dad, , then, uh, who, , they're, they're, they're deeply spiritual people as well. And they, and, and, and, and they, , they seek solace, uh, in to find if they can, they can get some help in any way. Uh, a friend of, of, uh, of the families who was an orthopedic surgeon in another hospital heard about this and spoke to mom and dad and said, is it okay if I went to see him?

He came into the hospital, he took one good look at me, at me, and he said, um, He said, I, I, I think, I think I can do better. Wow. Uh, , and, and so, uh, mom and dad made the decision to, to take, uh, me out of the, of the hospital. And the surgeon in the hospital said to mom and dad that if you take him outta here, he will die.

And my dad asked a surgeon, if I left him here, can you guarantee he will live? Um, wow. And he didn't wait for the answer. Uh, and anyway, I went across to, um, uh, to the other hospital and, uh, this, uh, wonderful man, professor Bala was his name, uh, who unfortunately, sadly passed away, uh, a couple of years ago. Um, and he saved my life, uh, without a doubt. But his greatest regret was that he couldn't save the shape of my foot. So I have a, uh, a a rather as we would say, gnarly, uh, right foot. It's, it's not the most, uh, beautiful thing in, in the world. Um, but it's, um, it's, it's kept me, kept, it's kept me on my feet, , you know playing football, playing cricket, playing Australian rules, playing squash, uh, Uh, boxing, , uh, it hasn't stopped me one, one, uh, one, one jot.

Um, and, uh, and, and that really, I think I, I realized when I was a, a little fella, um, , that I was given a second chance for a reason. Um, I thought, and, uh, and that I should not squander the opportunity, the second opportunity that I have. Yeah. So, so that's probably what has been the, the single motivation, um, uh, uh, for me to keep, to keep pushing and, and also my dad.

I mean, , my, my dad always, um, always told us, uh, uh, uh, , never, never give up. Yeah. Just, , make sure that you, you always, , you always move forward, ? Yeah. And, um, and, and mom has always taught us to be good people, , in doing that. So I, I guess, , my, my, um, Uh, , my, my family's my, my parental sort of motivation and my brother and my older brother and my older sister, , have also are, are very supportive and, and wonderful people as well.

So I guess that's, that's been the, yeah. , when, when you're nearly sort of, , end, end, uh, your journey before you start, uh, it, it gives you the motivation to push.

Matt: That's really quite fascinating. So, how old, so just tell me again how old you were when this happened with your foot?

Chandra : I, I was about, I was about six, I was about six years old.

Matt: Um, so six years old, you have, uh, your first near death experience. You seem to have quite a few of these. Chandra, I'm not gonna lie.

Chandra : Um, we'll see. We'll just keep it to a couple. Thank you very much.

Matt: Yeah. Yeah. That enoughs enough. Just, just enoughs enough. You don't need anymore. And I, I, especially if your life insurance company is listening, right?

But so you have this experience and obviously that sh that shapes you in, in quite dramatic ways. And so it sounds like this, this event, which actually is not a pleasant event, has shaped you into having this sort of motivation and drive going forward along obviously with the family and the parents. Is that a fair reflection that that was the good, that sort of came out of it?

Chandra : Absolutely.

I think, I think, I think that's really been, that's probably sort of, , , given me the, the structure of, of the, the individual that, that, that I am, uh, , um, uh, yeah. So I think, I think without a doubt, those were, those were the, the, the, , that was a significant inflection point.

Hmm. Uh, and, and you always, I always refer back to those points of, , like, why am I here? , there's gotta be a good reason why I'm, why I'm here, so I might as well make, be the best that I can be given that.

Matt: So and so did you, you obviously pushed very hard in business. Right?

Um, and have you bought that same philosophy, say to your marriage and to bringing up family and stuff outside of work? Or is it just a work thing where you, you sort of go 150 miles an hour?

Chandra : Yeah, that's a, that's a great question, man. I, I, I think to be fair, , uh, , pushing because of, of, of, of what happened is one thing, but I keep pushing because of my family.

Mm-hmm. , uh, , because I've got a huge desire to make sure, uh, even though, , uh, , the, , the kids, uh, uh, uh, are now mature adults who, , who are well and truly on standing on their own two feet. Um, I, I, I keep pushing because, , I, I still have a, a, a strong, strong desire, , for for, for, for, for myself, but mainly for, to ensure that I can continue to be, uh, in a position to be able to.

to be there and support, , my, my wife and, and, and, and the kids and, and, , my, my wider family as, as well if, if, uh, , if it's required. Mm-hmm. . So I just wanna be in a position to be able to, to be there to, to, to, , to be useful. Really , , and, and, and that's, uh, and that's a motivation, , to, to, to push.

I'm also as a, , as, as a, , as a, as a, as a business leader, if I can call myself that, um, um, I've also got responsibility to the people who, who, um, who work, uh, in my company, my colleagues, , I've got again, um, uh, a perspective that I'm a steward, um, for their wellbeing, And if, um, family's wellbeing as well, , and, and that might be over dramatic, but, um, , I, I need to keep pushing for them as well.

So, um, yeah. Uh, but, I also do it for myself mm-hmm, so it's not just for, for, for others? So, um, yeah.

Matt: You made this really interesting comment earlier about, um, how the, this sort of life, you give a lot of energy to it, but it also gives a lot of energy back, , and, and, and I, I, I really like that it actually, you, I, I push hard at work and I, I would say I'm the same way in the sense that I, I do work hard and I want to model working hard to my kids.

There's no doubt about it, right? Um, but I, it's not all that altruistic actually. I really enjoy what I do, right? Yeah. So, and, and I, I get a big buzz out of it and, um, and I, I, I love all the success stories that sort of come out of it. Um, and even out of the, the, the, the, the apparent failures and the, and the, and the hard times, you always know that it's crap right now, but at some point, some good is gonna come out of this, right?

Yeah. If I, if I keep pushing, if I keep working. And so I totally get it. Yeah, I totally get it. So in all of that, right, you, you, you push really hard. You, you had an experience in 2019, um, ironically again, after we just had a meal, uh. Yes. We were with you.

Chandra : Nothing to do with the meal by the way.

Matt: Nor me. It was nothing to, but, um, you have this experience and you say you, you still go fast, but you, you are much more aware of yourself now, what's going on? So what sort of things do you do to be, for being? What fills your tank? How do you recharge your batteries?

Chandra : Listen, I think, I think, um, uh, a number of years ago, Matt, uh, when, when I first started in the pharmaceutical industry, Uh, um, and, and that's where I started in the pharmaceutical industry.

And I'm now in, in, in that wider healthcare, , being involved and involved in actually making a difference in saving people's lives. But the, the, when I was, when I first started, there was a, um, uh, a trainer, um, at the company that I first started in and actually a British company called Beechams. back in day, British Beecham Research Laboratories was my first,

Matt: oh, Beecham, powdered capsules. I remember those when I was a kid.

Chandra : That sort of thing. And, um, there, there were a really cool company to, to, to start working with. And, and there was a, a trainer where when I went to Australia, uh, to, to train, and his name was Bob. Um, and, uh, and Bob, uh, was a great guy. And, uh, and I remember he, he, he, he told me a lot of things, um, and he taught me a lot of things.

And one of the things he did say to me was, As you move forward and, and, and, and do what you do and, and what have you. So remember, , remember, uh, , another thing and, and always take away more of yourself with you when you interact with people and make sure that you allow them to take more of themselves with them after they've interacted with you, then you know that that is the almost perfect situation. where, , you draw energy from them and they, draw energy from you and you are both actually better off. Yeah. Um, so, so I think that's kind of that, that that philosophy, um, , you, , pushing hard.

I, I I do want to ensure that I, I interact and I spend time, uh, and, and I engage with, , people who. I like, and people who have got that energy, which, , can sustain the two of us. So, , life's too short, , to, to actually have a bad wine. Uh, and, and it's also, it's too short to actually not enjoy what you do and you can't enjoy it all of the time, of course.

But, that's something which you should strive for and interactions you have with people, ability to communicate with people that you want to be able to do it with people that, mean something. Yeah. , and, and I've been extremely fortunate in, in, in my, in my life and in my business, uh, life as well, where I, I have the fortune to be able to do that.

Um, and, and sometimes, , you, you walk away, um, from, from opportunities because you kind of know that it isn't the right fit. It's kind of not the right vibe, , the vibe's all wrong. Um, so, so that's kind of. , it's, I, I think it's in some way for me, it's kind of a simplistic way of, of expressing it.

But, um, , I think that's kind of helps me push forward cuz , I, I, I'm, I'm interacting with awesome people and, and, uh, people who I think are, , yeah. Wow. I can learn so much from you. And, and, and, and by jingo they, for some crazy reason, learned something from me. And, and, and, like, I think that's pretty darn cool. Really.

Matt: That's really interesting, isn't it? That you get a lot of your energy and a lot of your sort of personal, uh, uh, sort of tank filling for want of a better expression by being around people that actually charge you. Um, yep. And so I understand, and it, and there is something really powerful about that, about how, um, , bad company corrupts good character, but if you get around great people, they, they just draw life out of you, isn't it?

And it's. , I, people ask me on occasions, , if you could go back in time and have a conversation with yourself, what would be some of the tips you would say? And you, you say to yourself really early on, who you hang out with matters. Yeah. And it's gonna matter a lot, right?

Chandra : Big, big, big time. And, and that's definitely the case with, , with young people, uh, , and, and , of course they've gotta learn, , from that.

But all you can do is actually guide them to say, listen, this is, this is what you, you, you should do. And, um, and, and I think, yeah, I, , that that's, I mean, life's too short to actually associate yourself with people that don't matter. , or who don't think you matter, , uh, why would you do that?

Matt: Yeah. Yeah. No, that's a really interesting thing. Really interesting thing. So tell us about the cars, because that's obviously something else you do, um, to fill your tanks literally.

Chandra : Well, that's a whole new podcast.

Yeah. , uh, listen, I, I, I, , I, I've always enjoyed driving. I love driving. Uh, I used to ride motorcycles. Uh, , when, when I lived in Australia, when I first came to New Zealand mm-hmm. . So I was called a temporary Australian and a temporary New Zealander, , uh, because I rode motorcycles. I loved it. Um, I, I, , I just, I just loved the, that sort of feeling like I love flying, , it, it's kind of that movement, I guess.

Um, so yeah, I was gonna get myself another motorcycle. Um, and my kids, , they were like, that ain't no go. , you, you will not get a motorcycle. And, uh, And Okay. , um, uh, and then a very, very good friend of mine had a very serious accident on a motorcycle he'd been riding for, for 35, 40 years.

And, and, uh, and he said to me, he goes, mate, I'm done. I'm out. You're on your own. If you wanted to go and get a, a motorcycle, I thought, wow, not gonna be able to fun if I, if I didn't have my mates, uh, , riding with me. So we went to a car show, Amanda and I went to a car show, and the first, uh, uh, uh, group of cars that we saw was the MG Car Club.

Um, and I met with the, we, we spoke to this, this, this chap, uh, , really lovely guy. Um, and, uh, and just, , he was very passionate about, about these mgs. And they, and obviously they're cool looking cars and, , literally, , I had a, I, once I focus on something, nothing will, will stop me.

Uh, so Amanda knew, uh oh. , so I said, okay, MG roof down, wind in my hair. Foils, , I kind of, I kind of meet this, the, the criteria that, um, that my, my family would've, , would be okay with, ? Mm-hmm. And I'd be happy with it as well. So anyway, I, I looked around and, and I bought myself a lovely little 1964 mg midget, um, a little blue. Um, a lovely little thing.

Matt: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I've been in it.

Chandra : Yeah, you've been in it. That's right. And, um, and then I, I, not long after, actually, I, I caught, , I caught the, uh, the, the, the affliction and I bought another MG at another, an MDB sportster. Yeah. Uh, so the Midget was also a, was also a, a, a, a sportster.

Mm-hmm. , um, MGB was a lot more powerful, , British racing green. Lovely, lovely, lovely car. Lovely. And, uh, and uh, and then yeah, I, I've always wanted a Mark two jag, , cuz that's kind of like, , that's, that's a, yeah, I've always wanted a cool car like that. So I went looking for a Mark two Jag took a couple out for a drive and, and with, with Amanda.

And, and then we took an, uh, this, uh, this Jaguar 420, which is, uh, which is a car that, um, was in between an S type Jag in the 19, late sixties. And the XJ6 which was the, the thing that the car that saved Jaguar, so it's a two year period that the 420 that had the front end of an XJ 6. Yeah.

And the backhand of a, of a, of a S type Jag. Mm-hmm. Lovely, lovely looking car. And, uh, so we took it up for drive and, and we both loved it and Amanda loved it and I loved it. And, and so, , we, we, we bought that an opalescent silver blue, it's called. And, um, yeah, I mean, , uh, and then I sold the, the midget and, uh, and Amanda said One car in one, one car out, one car in possibly.

Um, so I replaced that with a, an F type Jag. Oh, right. Um, so, um, uh, so yeah, and I've, and I've got, I've, I've got a jag for, for, , which is my, my daily driver, um, as well. So, um, so yeah, every, every week I, I get a chance to, to, um, to, to drive them. I drive them, uh, , when I, when I, when I can every week.

Yeah. To, to the office on the weekends. I'm always in, in one of the, one of the other cars This weekend we've got a wedding, and, and the 420 is gonna be used as a, as as a wedding car. Fantastic. Um, so, so, yeah, so it, that again, kind of, it makes me feel good and, and I know it's a material thing, um, but hey, , I love driving and it makes me feel good, so, um,

Matt: yeah. Yeah. and these classic cars are assets now, aren't they? I mean, that's one of the ways to justify. These things usually go up in value. It's an investment, surely.

Chandra : Yeah. It, I, I, I think, I think it, well, I'm convinced it is. Uh, I'm, I'm, I'm not sure that's the case, and I, I was, uh, , I'm, I'm also conscious of sustainability and, , as a business, we, we are looking, , we're definitely sort of stepping into that space and because we have to in, in the medical, , pharmaceutical area, but sustainability is really important, looking after our planet.

And, um, so I was talk sitting down next to a, a, a, um, a lawyer who's, um, uh, in sus an environmental lawyer. And so I said, I said, gee, I said, , I'm, I'm not the right kind of person. I've got, , these old cars and, and uh, and, and I drive, , they're fossil fuel cars and whatnot. And she goes, actually that meets the sustainability sort of principle.

Cause what you're doing is you're sustaining a vehicle. Yeah. Um, and, and you, and you, and you're keeping it on the road. It obviously needs to meet certain standards beyond the road. Yeah. So in fact, you're meeting the sustainability standards. I nearly gave her a hug, because, uh, yeah, yeah. So I told her, I said, fantastic. so, um, I'm holding onto that. I can tell you.

Matt: No, you should, because I mean, this is one of the dilemmas you have with electric cars. You can say, well, they're more environmentally friendly, but is it more environmentally friendly to keep an old car on the road going than to try and scrap that so I can make way for my new electric car?

It's not that straightforward. And so, um, yeah, I totally get that. I totally get that. So, Chandra, where do you, um, where's, where do you see growth in? What's, what's the plan for the next few years? What are you, what are you wanting to sort of move into more?

Chandra : uh, listen, I, I, I, and growth is critical, right? So, so there's four, there's four elements that, that, that, that we, we look at, um, or I look at, um, the first, the first one is actually, uh, organic growth. Mm-hmm. . So whatever you've got, , uh, , make sure that we can grow it so that, that's a, , that's a, that's a, a challenge, um, for, , for, for my colleagues and, and , and, and I think we do pretty well. We, we grow, , year on, year, on with the existing stuff that we've got.

So we need to do that, and we need to do that really, really well, and we need to do it better than we did the year before. Sure. And try to do the best we can do. Um, secondly is, , you, you've got existing partnerships, you've got partners that you have multinational partners, as, as we do. So what we wanna do is we try and leverage.

off them. what else have you guys got? we are doing a good job for you, aren't we? Yeah. , if we're not, we, we will do mm-hmm. . Um, but you've got other things in your, in your portfolio, which we are not responsible for now. Mm-hmm. , , is it possible for us to, , so actually look at leveraging on existing relationships, which is, which I think is, is critical.

Mm-hmm. . Um, the third, the third area is actually looking at new types of, of, of businesses. So, , new businesses that you can bring on and plug into, , the existing sort of, uh, range of business that you already, uh, you already have. And, and the fourth part is actually growth by acquisition. So looking at businesses that, um, , that will compliment or maybe set up a, uh, uh, a different aspect, uh, of your business for the future as well.

So it's kind of just moving, , extending, growing, uh, uh, and adding as as as you move forward. So that's, , that's kind of the strategy that, that we have, , for growth. And, and that's exciting, because there's never a dull moment. There's always stuff going on, mm-hmm. , and you've gotta be on, you've gotta be on, mm-hmm.

and you've gotta make sure you understand what's happening and, , gotta look at the opportunities. You've gotta determine what they're, and then execute them, so it's, it's kind of, it's kind of nuts, but it's actually fun, yeah, yeah. And, uh, that's kind of, I guess, that push, but in a, in a very sort of structured and strategic sort of manner.

Matt: Yeah. No, that's interesting because I, I mean, one of the reasons I asked the question is that one of the things that I know about you and, um, and is that actually legacy is important for you, right? What you leave behind is, is, is important. So is, I'm, I'm just wondering again, as you're talking about these sort of four attributes of growth and how you want growth and, , and your, you're pushing, you're pushing.

Um, and I'm just wondering how much of that is, is a drive and a desire to leave legacy?

Chandra : Oh, listen, I, I, I think, I think, , there's, there's elements of that. I think, , you, you're on this planet, , for a short period of time, you might as well do the best that you can be and do the best that you can, and be the best that you can be.

And, uh, and , that is a legacy in itself. And if your legacy can live on with the people who you, you, you surround yourself with, and in a work setting, , if your legacy can live on in the people that , you, your colleagues, , and the people who come in the future, , if you are, , if you are remembered, um, for, , the stuff that, that has happened.

And if someone can pick that up and do better, , um, I, I think that's great. I mean, it's not, it's not about you, but it's about what , you, you've done, ? Yeah. Uh, and, and I, and I think, I think that's, , that's really important. Um, , I think it's, it's, it's something which, which is a driver.

Yeah. It's not like, , you want a, a statue of yourself, uh, , somewhere outside or a, or a plaque sort of exalting how wonderful you are. Not, not at all. Not at all. I think if, if, if that legacy lives in the hearts of, of the people, uh, , in, in, in an organization, for example, yeah. Then it's there.

It's never gonna go away. You don't need a plaque or a statue to, , to do anything, it's, again, there's an element of sustainability there as well. It's a sustained thing. Mm-hmm. I, I dunno if it makes sense or if it sounds a bit wonky.

Matt: Yeah, no, totally right. Yeah, I, I'm, I'm totally with you. So we've now got to that sort of phase of the show where we do the question box.

Chandra : Oh.

Matt: So you in effect, just tell me when to stop there. Right. So just tell me when. Stop, uh, okay. Stop, stop there. Okay.

Chandra : Oh, you went, you went about 3, too late so that's

Matt: okay. Okay. So let's, um, let's go back one two three. Okay. So here's the question. Are you ready? Brace yourselves gentlemen.

Chandra : Oh, gosh. All right. Okay. Far out.

Matt: What skills does the ideal host or hostess have? That's a great question.

Chandra : What skill does the ideal host or hostess have? Hmm Hmm. Oh, listen, I think the ideal skills would be to make the guests that you, uh, you have feel very, very special. Feel very, very happy and actually enjoy the company of the host or the hostess. Mm-hmm. I think

Matt: that's, it's a really interesting question cause I'm thinking, I wonder what the ideal skills of a podcast host should be. , but actually

Chandra : I can, I can tell you.

Matt: Yeah. And you don't have them Matt yet. Keep working.

But, but it's um, it's funny isn't it, that, that sort of quick, cause it goes back to some of the stuff that you were talking about earlier actually about when you're around people leaving them feel more energized cuz you were in the room, right? Yeah. And actually, um, I think what. What I, what I don't think makes a good host is the host that's always on the phone, or always, um, when you, when you walk in and, and they, and they sort of try and out do you on how busy they are.

Do you know what I mean, that kind of thing. Yes. And again, or preoccupied. Yeah. And it comes back to that whole thing, doesn't it? It's not about you, it's about actually the person in front of you. And I think it's a really great question. Correct. I like that. Very good. I'm enjoying the question box. I'm gonna keep doing this uh, it's, uh, it's really good.

So, Chandra, listen, as you know, this show is sponsored by Aurion Media, right? Which specializes in helping good folks like yourself set up and run their own podcast. So I want you to imagine that you have your own podcast. Uh, out of all the people that have impacted your life, past, present, future, who would be on your guest list, who would you like to interview on the show and why?

Chandra : Oh, just one person or, or

Matt: mate, you can give me as many as you'd like, but time is against us..

Chandra : Yeah, I know, I know. Hey, listen, I, I, I, I would like, I'd like to, I'd like to interview my dad. Okay. Um, and, and, and just, uh, uh, , just ask him about. And I've, I've, , he's, he's written a book. I've read his book, but I'd love for him to, to sort of, , talk to me.

Uh, and, and, , and, and unfortunately, , he, um, uh, well, he, he obviously passed away and, uh, a number of years ago now, but it'll be quite cool just to, , to get his impressions on, on things. I'd just love to understand more about how, , he would, he would tick, um, uh, and I mean, listen, and there are countless

number of of people. A lot of my friends, , you I'd love to, to, to, to, to, , interview you as well. And, and a lot of my friends who, uh, and, and, and some of my family members who mean, , a heck of a lot to me. Uh, and I'd also like to interview my, my, my, some of my colleagues, , cuz they've got, they've got, uh, um, they've got stories to, to, to tell themselves.

And, um, , they, they, as I said, I I, I think I've got a lot of people who are, are a lot better than I am, , and, , I'd like to talk to them on, on a, on a different level, not just, oh, , cuz I'm, , I'm, , I'm their, their boss. Uh, , I think, I think. . Yeah. So, so there will be a, , there, there, there will be a few people and , um, and I know you've told me this before that I've sort of thought, nah, who would wanna, who'd wanna talk to me?

Um mm-hmm. I, I I think, I think there, there may be more than one. Um, so, um, yeah, I think that's something to, yeah, to kind of open my, my mind up to the, the concept and maybe that's a 2023 initiative that you and I will be talking about a little bit more. .

Matt: Well, you never know. You never know. But I, I just think it's a really interesting question when you say who you impacted your life and who would you, so if you've got this podcast and you can have anyone that's impacted your life, who will you have on?

I think it's just a really insightful question and the fact you went straight to your dad first. If, if, if I put down in my notes who do I think Chandra is gonna say? Um, I mean, I, I dunno you exceptionally well, but I know you well and I, I, I put your dad, I kind of try and preempt. I said, I bet you he mentions his dad.

And part of the reason why I thought this is because I, yeah.

Chandra : I hate to be predictable..

Matt: Well, part of the reason I thought this is because when we did, um, a sort of our pre-call, as I like to call it, talking about the podcast, I said to you, I dunno if you remember, I asked you a question, what's your life's motto?

And you said, glory beckons. And this was something that you were gonna get tattooed on. I dunno if you've got the tattoo yet. It's, it's coming. It's a coming, it's a coming. So tell people the link between this, this phrase, glory beckons and your dad. Cuz this was the reason why I put Dad, your dad down.

Chandra : Right? Right. Well listen, it, it, it, it's, it, it's a photograph. My, my favorite, my favorite photograph, my sister's favorite as well, to be honest. Um, photograph of, of my dad. Uh, um. And it's him sitting, um, on a, uh, on his, his armchair, uh, with his feet on a, , on a little, on a little, um, uh, in a stool, uh, uh, and, uh, with, with the newspaper opened.

And, uh, I remember saying to him, uh, , I said, Hey, Papa, can, can you just look up? I just wanna take a photograph. And so I took, took the photo and he, he, , and the, the, that whole sort of demeanor, sort of, kind of just, that's my dad, and, um, and isn't a very kindly face, , reading the newspaper.

But interestingly enough, in the back page of the newspaper. There was a, uh, headline that said Glory beckons. And, and that was actually related to the, to the football. Mm-hmm. . Um, and I, and I can't remember, , which football team, uh, it was, it was more obviously Manchester United, obviously. Um, but um, but anyway, that, that has always struck me, , and , my dad always sort talked about, , doing the best you can be, be the best person you can be, and , that's what mum says as well.

Uh, um, and so Glory beckons actually kind of is kind of this, this holy grail, I guess, , it's, it's, it's there. Glory beckons. Just, just do stuff, do well, do be a good person and, , do the best you can. You can be the best person you can be, because somewhere down the line, glory beckons. And, and what, what is that?

I, I, I, I don't know, maybe actually I'm, maybe I'm, I'm, I'm in it right now, yeah. I, I, and, and, uh, , but. But Glory does Beckon. So, , it's kind of like that, that holy grail I suppose, , that maybe that's kind of what is another push Incentive.

Matt: Yeah. Fantastic. Fantastic.

Listen, Chandra. Phenomenal. I just love the conversation, man. And it, it is been brilliant and I'm sure people listening to the podcast agree with me. If people listening to the show do wanna reach out, they do want to connect, what's the best way for them to get ahold of you?

Chandra : Alright, listen, they, they can, they can, um, try and link in with me on LinkedIn, uh, or they can, uh, they can email me.

Uh, so that's

Matt: Fantastic. Fantastic. We will of course link to Chandra's email, uh, and LinkedIn, uh, profile in the show notes, which will be available on the website along with a transcript. You can get them for free at, uh,, or if you've signed up to the newsletter, they will come direct to your inbox.

Chandra, thank you so much for joining me on the podcast, bud. Um, I dare say this will be the first of quite a few conversations you and I have on this show. Um, but yeah, it's been, it's been such good fun, man, honestly, really enjoyed it. Thank you so, so much.

Chandra : No, thank you as well, Matt. I, as you know, I always enjoy, um, our time together and Bless you, and thank you again for asking me on.

Matt: Ah, no, you're a legend. So there you have it. What a great conversation. And he is a legend. Let's all agree. He's a legend. Uh, huge thanks to Chandra for joining me today and also a big shout out to today's show sponsor Aurion Media. If you are wondering, uh, if pod, if Pod, I can't even talk, if you are wondering if podcasting is a good marketing strategy for your business, do connect with them at

We will of course link to them, uh, on the podcast website, which is Uh, and you can either head to either website and follow the links and you'll find them. Do connect with them. Do say hello. Now. be sure to follow push to be more, uh, wherever you get your podcast from because we've got some more great conversations lined up, and I don't want you to miss any of them.

And in case no one has told you yet today, you are awesome. Yes you are. It's just a burden you have to bear. Chandra has to bear it. I have to bear it. We just have to bear this burden of being awesome. So, you know, uh, push to Be More is produced by Aurion Media. You can find our entire archive of episodes on your favorite podcast app.

The team, the amazing, wonderful team that makes this show possible is Sadaf Beynon, Josh Catchpole, Estella Robin and Tim Johnson. The theme music was written by Josh Edmundson, and as I mentioned, if you would like to read the transcript or show notes, head to the website, where you can also sign up for the weekly newsletter and get all of this good stuff direct your inbox totally free each and every week.

That's it from me. That's it from Chandra. Thank you so much for joining us. Have a fantastic week. I'll see you next time. Bye for now.