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Leading with Intention and Authenticity | Brett Curry

Today’s Guest Brett Curry

Brett is a seasoned entrepreneur, digital marketer and podcast host. He leads an 8-Figure ad agency of Google, YouTube and Amazon marketing rockstars. Brett is also the father of 8 children and a basketball coach.

  • Brett Curry has been in the digital marketing industry for a long time and has seen many changes. Throughout his journey, he has learned many lessons - one of the most important being to hire people who will fit into the company culture. He also believes in training and supporting employees so they can reach their full potential.
  • Brett highlights the importance of being authentic as a leader. People can tell when you're not being genuine and that if you have the right team, they will appreciate your transparency.
  • Brett discusses the importance of delegation in parenting and business. He and his wife always wanted a big family and they have eight kids who are being homeschooled. They believe that having a strong relationship is key to their success as a family.
  • In order to stay centered, Brett has restructured his diet, regulates his sleep, and uses a five minute journal. What really matters in life is something that Brett learned at a young age after losing his mother to cancer.

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Matt Edmundson: Welcome to Push To Be More with me, your host, Matt Edmundson. This is a show that talks about the stuff that makes life work and to help us do just that. I'm chatting with my very special guest today, Brett Curry from OMG Commerce about his adventures in business, basketball and what it's like having eight. That's right. Eight kids.

Now, the show notes and transcript from my conversation with Brett today gonna be available on our website Uh, on our website you can also sign up for our newsletter, and each week we will email you the links along with the notes, the transcripts, and all that sort of stuff. Auto magically, as we like to say. Direct your inbox totally free. And it's amazing, so make sure you sign up.

Now, this episode is brought to you by Aurion Media, which helps entrepreneurs and business leaders set up and run their own successful podcast. I have found running my own podcast, I have three of them. Brett is gonna be on all three. This is the second one that we are recording. Uh, I found it a really rewarding thing to do. It opens doors to amazing people like nothing else I've ever seen. I've built networks, made friends, had a platform to champion my customers, my team, and my suppliers. I think just about every entrepreneur and business leaders should have a podcast because it's had a huge impact on my business.

Now, of course, this sounds great in theory, but in reality, there is the whole problem of setup, distribution, getting the tech right, knowing what the right podcast strategy is. The list goes on. You see, I love talking to people, but not all that other stuff. So Aurion Media takes it off my plate. I do what I'm good at.

And they very brilliantly take care of the rest. So if you are wondering if podcasting is a good strategy for you, for your business, then connect with them at That's, and we will of course link to them on our podcast website as well You can also find them there.

So let me read the bio. Brett is a seasoned entrepreneur, a digital marketer, a podcast host. He leads an eight-figure ad agency on, uh, of Google, YouTube, and Amazon marketing rock stars. Brett, as I said, is a father of eight children and a basketball coach. Sounds like he's got his own basketball team to be fair.

Brett, welcome to the show. Great to have you.

Brett Curry: Hey, what's up Matt? Uh, thanks for having me on again. I know again, because we're on, I'm on the different podcast, but super excited about this one, man. I love the theme, I love the focus and so I'm thrilled to be here.

Matt Edmundson: Ah, mate. No, it's awesome. And uh, it's great to have you back.

So, OMG Commerce. Just gives a brief overview.

Brett Curry: Yeah. So we are a performance marketing agency. Uh, I am a marketing junkie. I've always loved advertising and marketing and what, why people buy what they buy. And so we, we have really three key areas of focus. The Google and YouTube, kinda the Google ads ecosystem.

So we help drive growth through Google and YouTube ads. Uh, email marketing. So we run email marketing for direct to consumer brands and then Amazon. So we basically do full channel management on Amazon from the organic side of Amazon to Amazon ads. So people that sell physical products on Amazon, we help them grow and scale and get and get more customers.

So, uh, we run creative strategy. We kind of do the whole, the whole nine yards and help D to C brands direct to consumer brands grow.

Matt Edmundson: Fantastic. And it's fair to say, uh, Brett, that um, you've been doing this a, a wee while in digital because if you measure, measure digital years, like dog years, right? It's um, which is what we do in eCommerce ,

Brett Curry: I think it's fair, right?

Like we, we pack so much into year, like. Google, you know, makes like 500 algorithm changes in a year or whatever. You know, Facebook is always changing, everything's changing, right? So, yeah. One year in digital marketing has got to be like four or five or seven, you know, in another industry.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, absolutely.

So we've, you've been around a while. I've been around a while. Now. I'm intrigued. Right. Um, you've got this business, this agency, uh, that does digital marketing, uh, and by all accounts very successful at it. Uh, we got in connected because we have a mutual friend, Jared Mitchell, who just is one of your biggest fans.

I have to be honest with you, just totally.

Brett Curry: He's a great guy, man. We've become, we've become bros. We started working together, doing client stuff, and now he's, you know, one of my, one of my closest friends. He's an awesome guy.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Yeah. It's funny that with Jared, isn't it? He came on the podcast. I ended up going and spending a few days with him, with my daughter. On a trip to the, I dunno what it is about the man, he's magnetic and it's, but he is,

Brett Curry: he really is. Totally.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Yeah, totally. You, you can't help but love the guy, but he is like one of your biggest fans. So by all accounts, right. You, you've been successful in, in business. But I guess my question, I just wanna start off a little bit about this.

Has it always been, uh, like that successful? Has it just gone from strength to strength? Or has there been a few sort of hiccups along the way.

Brett Curry: Uh, it's a great question. So definitely there have been some, some hiccups along the way. I think in a lot of ways it has been strength to strength, right. I've always, I think, had a skill for connecting with people.

Mm-hmm. and because I love people and because I wanna see people grow, I think I earned trust pretty quickly and that, that happened from a young age. Right? People like adults trusted me. Adults wanted me to do things. I was elevated to leadership positions in in school. I was just, this came up the other day.

I don't know why, but I won Best Citizen my senior year in high school. It was like a weird award, whatever. But anyway, so, so, that's always been there. Um, and I, I've always had kind of this entrepreneurial, uh, spirit within me, right? Mm-hmm. , which is weird because my grandfather on either side, they weren't entrepreneurs.

My dad wasn't an entrepreneur. My mom wasn't. Uh, but I just had that in me. Like I just wanted to build something and do something and wanted to take risks. And I think I, I know at least part of why that's there. Um, but no, definitely I've had some hiccups, uh, learn a lot from failure and I don't mind admitting it, uh, that I made a lot of mistakes.

Yeah. But, uh, but no, I made some mistakes when I first started the business, which was right outta college, of course, you know, whether the, the great recession of 2008 to kind of 2010. That was super interesting. Made some leadership blunders right when we started building. OMG started with myself and my business partners like one employee.

And as we started building a team, man, I made a ton of mistakes on building a team. And, and we, we've, since, I think we've won like five best workplaces awards now, which is really great. Congratulations. And so I think our heart has always been in the right place. We've always wanted to do the right thing, but dude, I made some boneheaded moves, in the early days, uh, as far as being an employer and so, so yeah.

Yeah, lots of skinned knees along the way. You gotta keep growing and, and

Matt Edmundson: yeah, you do. You do. So what are some of the key things you've learned then about leading people? If you've got, cuz you've got like, what, 70, you mentioned? 70.

Brett Curry: Yeah, almost 70. So we're in the sixties, you know, give or take. Um, yeah, so it's been interesting.

Really was hard for me to go from like being the one doing the work, right. I was doing all of it and I don't, yeah, I don't mind getting my hands dirty and like working in Google ads and writing ad copy and just like doing the work. I like doing. Um, to kinda going from that to then working with a team.

So now I'm, I'm doing some work, but I'm working with the team to really go into coaching. Right now I'm mostly coaching and training and overseeing and, and kind of going from, Working in the business to working on the business, to working above the business in, in certain ways. And so, so that's been, uh, that's been challenging, but I, but I think, uh, there's a few things.

You know, uh, first of all, hiring good people. Like really, I almost relate this to marriage, right? When my, my wife and I have been married for 22 years, which makes me feel really old. I'm only 42, but I've been married 22. We got married as kids. And, um, You know, talk to other young people, whether at church or wherever.

I'm, and you know, one of the biggest pieces of advices is choose your spouse carefully, right? This is gonna be the parent of your kids. This is gonna be someone you eat dinner with almost every night. Like all, all kinds of, so choose wisely. So we hire for culture first, so culture fit is number one. And we've got a pretty clearly defined culture.

But you know, we, we think like owners, we have fun solving problems. We help each other level up. So we're, we structure our questions to kinda uncover, is this person really gonna fit the culture? And we look at their history and we have other data points and stuff. So we, we hire, well first. and then we, we support, we train, but we expect a lot of our people, right?

Mm-hmm. . So we, we always say it's a really fun place to work, not an easy place to work, okay? Um, but we, you put in the effort, we will help you like, uh, and, and the team, the team will, will help you and, uh, push you and help you, you grow. Um, and so then I think you, you gotta, you gotta trust your people as well.

So you, you do those things, right? You hire well. You train and set clear expectations, then, then you gotta trust your people. Mm-hmm. . And, uh, that's an area that I've had to grow in over the last few years. Cuz I would, uh, I, I wouldn't have said this out loud, but I didn't always trust the team. Right. I felt like Right.

Eh, when it comes to a client decision or a client interaction, I can do it better. Right. So I'm, so I'm gonna do it and, uh, That's no way to scale, and it's also not fully true. It's only true in like a couple of areas, but ideally you hire the right people and they're gonna be way better than you in, in a lot of key areas, and so, So, yeah, so those are just a few things that come to mind.

Matt Edmundson: Mate. There's so much there. I mean, geez. Uh, we can pick in on that. I love this idea of hiring around culture first. This was something that we did, um, or decision that we made. I remember the switch in 2012 when we'd, when we figured this out, and, um, And so we, we had this, I, it all started because we, uh, we opened up one job.

400 people applied for that one job, right? And I'm like, how am I supposed to read through 400 cvs or resumes? Right? It's just, and so I, you know, I had a, I developed a process. I thought, I'm not doing this again. And so when we. Going forward, we did the same thing. We're like, no, let's hire around culture first.

So we anybody, every time we want, we offered a job out. We're like, you've got to fill out this questionnaire, right? Yeah. This application form. I don't want your cv, I don't want your resume. I don't want cover letter. That's what I want first. And if you don't send me that, I'm not even thinking about the job.

Exactly. So that wears everybody down. And we had this thing about, um, being superheroes. And how if you were, um, if you were culturally connected to us as a business and also quite competent at your role, you were a superhero and we were looking for superheroes, or we were at least looking for superheroes we could train.

Right. Who would, who would grow to be a super, and this is kind of the language that we used, the reason I'm telling this story is because I remember one time we had a, a job, uh, advertised for marketing and a lady filled out the application form, which was a bit nuts. I mean, you know, we asked people to draw their superhero costume and all that sort of stuff.

And so if you, if you couldn't fill in the Yeah, yeah. If you couldn't fill it in, you just definitely weren't gonna be the right fit. And, um, this one lady, not only did she fill in the application form, she persuaded her friend to deliver it to the office in person dressed as Batman with a tray of cupcakes.

Brett Curry: Wow. Wow.

Matt Edmundson: I was like, that would never have happened if I was just like, send a CV and covering letter to dot dot. dot So I, I agree with you.

Brett Curry: Well, I love that. And, and so someone that goes through the effort to do that, they're not gonna be the person that three or six months into the job is like, Hey, that's not my job description.

I'm not doing that. Yeah, right. You didn't hire me for that. They're, they're gonna be just a, I'll do whatever. I'll do whatever you need me to do. I'll go above and beyond. I'm focused on the result rather than just, eh, this is not really in the job description you gave me. You know, so, yeah. Uh, yeah. So we're, we're big believers.

We, we, we have people fill out an exercise that's related to their role. Uh, we ask very specific questions too, like describe a time when you did blank. Right? And it is all designed too. I wanna hear a story. I just want you to like, talk platitudes or, or whatnot. I want you to tell me a story about when you did this.

Uh, we do personality profiles. I don't think you can like fully bank on those. I think it's just, just another data point. Yeah. Um, but we, yeah, we take it very seriously. So you gotta hire for culture first and you wanna just make sure it's as best as you can tell that it's, it's a good fit.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Yeah. Now, before we hit the record button, I said to you, what's your life motto?

You came up with a Craig Groeschel quote, didn't you? Which I, I think applies quite aptly to this. Do you wanna tell the good folks what that was?

Brett Curry: Yeah, I love it. So, so, Craig Groeschel uh, hosts the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast, I think one of the top downloaded leadership podcasts. Yeah. He's also the pastor of the church that I attend.

Awesome guy. And, uh, so he said, uh, hi. His quote is, Be yourself. People would always rather, people would rather follow a leader who's always real. Rather than one who's always right. And you know, we wanna, we all wanna be authentic. We wanna be ourselves, right? And we wanna be in a place where we feel the freedom to be ourselves.

And so if the leader is trying to be someone they're not, if we're trying to be fake or phony, that's gonna bleed into the rest of the team, right? And so, uh, obviously there's certain things that every leader needs to do, but you gotta bring your own flavor and your own style to the equation. And I think people have got really strong BS detectors.

Right. They know when you're not being authentic. Yeah. And so, you know, we, we've had some real, like just some real gut honest team meetings and usually the one, usually the meetings when I'm vulnerable or just say stuff how it is, uh, that's when I get the, the, a lot, a lot of good feedback from the team being like, Hey, thank you.

Thank you for sharing, for sharing that, you know, so.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. And you're right. I think if you've got a good team, they'll, they'll be quite happy with that. If you've got the wrong team and you're vulnerable

Brett Curry: Yeah, then they'll like, how can I angle on that? Or how can I, uh, uh, leverage that or use that against you or, or crazy stuff like that.

But if it's the right people, transparency makes a huge difference. Yeah.

Matt Edmundson: So what do you think has been your biggest leadership fail?

Brett Curry: So that's. That's a really good question. Um, when it comes to team, I've got one story. So, so I mean, I think if we, if we had to, to just talk in high level, it's not trusting the team soon enough.

Mm-hmm. or not empowering the team soon enough. And this, we'd have to go back several years now, you know, with the team of 65, 70. Like there are people running a lot of different areas of the business and I fully trust them and it's great. Uh, but I think that was one of my biggest hurdles. But I've got a pretty funny and pretty embarrassing story.

It'd be funny if it wasn't true related to leadership that I'll just tell because this, this is one that I think people will, uh, will remember for sure. So, um, it was early on in the business. We had maybe, you know, less than 10 employees. I don't remember the exact number. And there was one team member who really just wasn't getting it done.

She just wasn't getting it done. She was pretty young. She was in her young twenties, kind of a friend of one of our other employees and, and really sweet girl. And, um, she just wasn't cutting it. And so we kind of talked about the leadership level. Uh, we gotta, we gotta let her go. Uh, her name is Sarah and, um, So decided to have a meeting with her.

And, and by the way, she had no clue. No idea, no idea this was coming. No coaching, no. Like, Hey, you gotta improve these things. We're just meeting with her to let her go. So I remember it very clearly. I was, I was like stuttering through the opening and like, Hey, so how's it going? And it was a terrible opening and then I was like, Hey, we're gonna have to let you go.

And, um, She lost it. Like she burst into tears. She like smacked the table. Her head, head hit the table. It was really emotional. And, uh, long story short, by the end of the meeting, I unfired her because, because I felt like I didn't, I gave you no warning, no training, no help. I'm just firing you. And, uh, so anyway, I, I fired and then unfired her and, and then I think it was like, things did improve and like we had some good heart to hearts after that.

She ended up leaving like five months later or maybe, maybe three months later. Wasn't that long after that. But you know, since that's always this like lesson burning in my mind that you gotta be upfront with people early on like, Hey, this, this isn't working right. How do we, how do we tweak this? So when you did this, Didn't work.

So how do we correct it right to where now, and we don't have to fire too many people. It does happen, but uh, we hire well, but now when someone's getting let go, it's usually not a surprise. Right. They, they see it coming and so, so yeah, that was a big one. That was a big blunder. Um, will, will always live in infamy the day I fired and unfired, an employee in the same day.

Matt Edmundson: So you have to, if you have to let someone go now, do they go, now Brett, are you sure?

Brett Curry: Pretty sure. Is there any way I can talk if I, if I get real emotional right now,

Matt Edmundson: if I smack my head on the table. Yes. Exactly. That's really, mate, we've all been there. Right. And I think this is one of the things that, um, leading a group of people, you're like, there are times when you just get so frustrated and annoyed with your people, but you have to look at yourself and go, hang on a minute, how much of that is on me? You know?

Brett Curry: Totally. Yeah. Right. Yeah. How much, how much is, this is just unclear expectations, right? Mm-hmm. and my, my good, uh, friend, Ezra Firestone talks about, Hey, if there's a communication problem, if someone is not understanding, then that's on you, right? That that's on you to communicate better. Uh, it's not on them.

If they, if they then do understand and can't execute, then that's on them, but, Like if they're not getting it, it's on you. You got, you gotta explain better. So I like that.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Yeah, totally. Oh man. So can I, um, how did, you've built this business with 70 staff or almost 70 staff, somewhere in the sixties, but you've built a family with eight kids.

Yeah. So just, was it the same? Uh, you know, did you and your wife sit there and think, right, we're gonna, we're gonna build a business and we're gonna build a, we're gonna build a, a family and we're just gonna go big or go home. Right? There's just, there's no middle ground for us.

Brett Curry: Like, Hey, what would be the clearest path to happiness?

I think it's just if we create chaos in every area of our lives, or let's, if we live in a state of chaos, it'll become comfortable. We'll love it. You know, uh, no, it's a great question. So, I mean, I've, I've always loved kids and I love family, right? So I come from a family of, there were three of us, which isn't huge, right?

My, my wife comes from a family of, of four. And so we always thought we'd have a bigger family, like four or five was kind of the number that we floated around. And then Matt, we just, we just overachieved, you know, we just went for it. And, uh, overachieved, but, uh, no, we, eight was not the number we had in mind.

Um, but, you know, would not trade it for anything. It does come with its own unique set of challenges. I think there are times where our kids would be like, geez, I wish, uh, I wish there were a few of us around here, but, but not for the most part, right? Mm-hmm. they're pretty close. There's an interesting dynamic, you know, the, the oldest is 20, youngest is six.

And so there's this, it's almost like an uncle relationship for the oldest and youngest. Mm-hmm.. But the way they interact is really neat. And so, so yeah. I mean, it, it's, it's really, I think in both situations or when you have a team that's, that's beyond your ability to, to manage individually or when you have a, a family that's just really, really large, you gotta kind of stretch a little bit and realize I can't do everything.

But I, I can influence everything, right? Mm-hmm, and we, we, my wife and I had this discussion, and I won't go into too much detail here, but, uh, we, we had some issues with, with one of our kiddos, right? And, um, just, just kinda making decisions. It didn't line up with the way we had raised them and, and just, you know, some of those things.

But, um, what we realized was, hey, we have not very much control. Yeah. But we have a lot of influence, right? So we can really influence and help guide things. But at the end of the day, very little control. And I think you've gotta be okay with that, right? You gotta be okay with, I'm an influence. I'm gonna do my best.

But at the end of the day, you, you don't control everything. And so when you, when you kind of step back and have that mindset, it does, I think it frees you up a little bit mentally, emotionally to, to handle things better. So,

Matt Edmundson: Wow. It's Fanta, when I think of you, I think of that movie Cheaper by the Dozen.

Yeah. I can't be the first person to have said this.

Brett Curry: So he's actually, and, and our kids especially, Older kids were little. That was like one of their favorite movies.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Yeah. I can imagine there's a lot of, uh, there was the Steve Martin film, wasn't it? If people haven't seen that.

Brett Curry: Yeah, Steve Martin and uh, the other guy that played, uh, Superman in Smallville.

I can't remember his name. Uh, but yeah, yeah, I think my kids were like, Hey, look, it's a family that's bigger than us. This is crazy. And so, so yeah, we've always loved that and, and related well to that.

Matt Edmundson: So, so how do you, um, if you don't mind me asking, how do you manage or balance being a husband, being a dad to eight kids, and being the CEO of OMG Commerce, you know, with 70, how do you balance that?

Brett Curry: Yeah, yeah. So it's really difficult. Um, and, and I, and I think, you know, looking at this, this life is definitely not for everybody, right. And I'm sure people are listening, being like, well, duh. Yeah, of course. I, I d I don't wanna trade, wanna trade with you. Um, you know, we don't have a ton of free time, right?

So, so like, there's not a ton of. Hey, we're cruising through all the Netflix series and, and you know, I read all kinds of fiction books and stuff like that. Um, so really it's mostly building the business and doing stuff with family and, you know, doing stuff with church and my wife and then like sleeping and that's, that's pretty much, that's pretty much it.

I mean, we do fun stuff, but it's always like, it's always together, right? Yeah. I don't. I don't have like a, yeah, I spend an hour, two hours, uh, by myself a day. Like, are you kidding me? I, I, I'm by myself for like five minutes a day, you know, and, uh, so, so it is difficult to manage. I think, um, you know, being centered is important, so I do, I do try to take care of myself.

I've always been interested in health, mental health, physical. I've since really had to, to double down on that just because there are so many pressures, you know, where I'm, I'm really watching my diet. Not, not because I'm like, oh, I've got this weight loss goal. It's like, no, I, I, I need to be at peak performance, right?

To, mm-hmm. to not fizzle out, to not burn out. I need to be at, at peak performance. And so, looking at some things there, uh, I am always trying to listen to podcasts or learn, or how, how can I be a better leader? How can I compress time or just, you know, get more value outta my time. Um, but yeah, don't really have hobbies.

Matt. I don't really, I don't play golf. I don't, uh, I do love basketball, and so I get to play basketball with my kids or coach my kids, which is super fun. So like, that's, that's, uh, you know, that's entertainment, but it's, but again, it's with the family. We're, we're doing stuff together. Uh, we do vacation, uh, together, you know, a few times a year and thankfully been blessed enough to have a good team, have a good business so we can travel.

So we do that. But, uh, but yeah, and, and then with the team, it's like getting the right leaders in place and the right, right people in place so that, you know, not every, every area of the business is dependent on me and it's not right. So I could, I could step away now for a couple weeks or more, and like the business would still run, you know, I, uh, I think the business still needs my direction and my strategy and, and, um, oversight.

But, but not in the day to day, nearly as much as it used to be.

Matt Edmundson: I can imagine, right? That you've had to learn how to, um, delegate quite well, both in business and in family, right? If you've got one kid, it's easy to do everything for that kid. If you've got eight, there's no chance you're doing everything for that kid.

I assume your, your kids have had to learn, I'm guessing it's doing an awful lot of stuff that maybe the single kid hasn't had to do. So, so I, am I right in saying that this, this lesson, the life lessons are basically about delegation?

Brett Curry: That's a huge part of it, right? So delegation, asking for help. You know, what I've heard people say is, Hey, for big families, a lot of times the kids grow up, uh, pretty not, not like, not dealing with selfishness as much as maybe in other families because.

It's never just about them. Right? Yeah. Cause it can't be, there's, there's eight of you. Like, so it's, we've gotta do stuff in pairs or do stuff together. And so, you know, the older kids have really learned responsibility cuz we, we need their help, right? We need their help to, to assist us with, with little people.

We have to sacrifice a little bit, right? Where essentially all of our kids are involved in sports and extracurricular activities and we're, we're doing fun stuff. Like we can't do everything right. Like you have to choose and, and sometimes the youngest have to wait a little bit to get involved in a sport cuz we're so busy with the older.

And so, uh, there, there's some sacrifices that, that go there, uh, which is important. But, but yeah, delegation is huge. And, um, you know, allowing our kids to step up and do things themselves, which is a really good life lesson in and of itself. And I think that's true for the business too, right? I learned early on that, hey, for this thing to grow, uh, it can't be about me cuz I, there's always so much for me.

And, uh, yeah, delegating is a huge part of how I survive. Yeah, for sure.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Absolutely. I like that. You, you know, you. It's not just about delegation, it's about letting every, you know, the, the kids step up and, and contribute. And it's empowering and training. Yeah, because then it's not all on you, is it? To come up with all the ideas and actually you, it, it's good when, I mean, I, I don't have eight, I have three, so I, you know, I'm just part-time

Brett Curry: It's still more than a handful. Yeah's still very, very, busy.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, but my oldest is 21. And so, um, and the kids I think are, you know, my kids are great and I'm proud of them, and they're super responsible and they're, you know, they're very caring people. Um, they're not afraid to work hard, and you kind of think, well, that's awesome. Uh, but I, I'm curious to, to know how you did the whole, um, or how you do the whole, uh, time thing.

So do you do it whereby hey, I'm in the office from eight till six, and then I'm at home 6 till 10. And then do, are you that regimented or is it a lot more fluid than that?

Brett Curry: It's a little more fluid. Uh, I mean, I do work mainly, you know, normal hours, eight-ish to five or six-ish. But there's some days when I have to work late, of course.

Um, some days I'll start at home, try to do breakfast with the kids, and then go into the office. So do a little bit of work hour or so before breakfast. Then go to the office around nine and, and work till till five or six. Uh, I do try to be, uh, present in the evenings. I think, you know, we, we try to eat meals together, you know, three to five times a week or more during, during certain sports seasons, that becomes harder, but, I really value, highly value those family meal times.

I think yeah, those are, especially when, when there's not sports going on, those are kind of non-negotiable. Um, so we, we focus a lot on those. And then, and then I try to make. You know, Saturday, Sunday, mostly about the family. Occasionally I'll have to work a little bit Saturday morning and things like that if we're going through a real period of growth or big projects or whatnot at work.

But, but yeah, try to keep that fairly regimented. You know, try to keep the phone in, uh, the bedroom or something when we're all at the dinner table, you know? So I try to try to, Focus on the family during those, those key moments. Uh, but you know what's, like, as an entrepreneur, I, I, I do find myself thinking about business all the time.

Mm-hmm. and, uh, and occasionally, you know, working late nights or working super early mornings and things like that. Mm-hmm. uh, so it just, just depends on the season.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. I like that. It, it, it does tend to go through seasons, doesn't it? You find yourself into sort of different seasons in life, and I think as long as you realize it is just a season.

Yes. Then, then life's good. So how's your, um, uh, how does Mrs. Curry deal with all this? Does, does, does she, um, does, does your wife work?

Brett Curry: She does not and thankfully, Yeah, I mean, she, she's full-time with, with the kids. And, and to add another layer of complexity, Matt, uh, we homeschool our children. And so, that is a growing trend in the United States.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, here as well, actually.

Brett Curry: Is that right? Yeah. Yeah. So when I was a kid, it was a little bit different. My wife was actually home-schooled. Um, and so it was, it was different when she went through school, it was kind of frowned upon in a lot of ways. Like we, we go to, it's more of a hybrid.

We, we go to a cooperative mm-hmm, um, one day a week. And then there's other tutoring and other opportunities to, to learn from other people. But there's like 500 kids in this cooperative and we've got an awesome sports organization. So, really great football program. I coach the girls in basketball and so, and there's speech and debate, just everything you could, you could hope for.

Um, so, so that's even another area of complexity. But now, Matt, now that I started answering that question, I actually forgot what the que I forgot the question you were asking me.

Matt Edmundson: Well, I was, I was kind of curious if your, um, wife worked, whether she was full-time with the kids and in, and in hindsight I realize there's maybe people listening to me asking that question going, well, how is that not working?

Do you know what I mean? In terms of, and I don't mean to be disrespectful by it.

Brett Curry: Totally. Yeah, totally get it. I have always said, I have a way easier job. Like Yeah. CEO of a company, you know, 65, 70 employees, uh, easier than mm-hmm than homeschooling eight children without a doubt. Uh, but, you know, uh, she's awesome.

She's, she's an amazing mom, an amazing teacher. She just, she handles chaos well, also, she can bring order. Um, she, she's amazing. And, and so we've always kind of had though this, this ability to. To deal with risk and to, to do things differently, right? Cause like being a homeschool family, at least in some areas, it's kind of different, right?

We've always been comfortable being a little bit different. Um, when, when I started my first business, like right after we got married or soon after we got married, She was okay with it. She was okay with the risk and the uncertainty, and then so was, I kind of thrive on it. And, um, but yeah, she's, she is supportive of the business, supportive of me, support of the kids.

She's just amazing and really that partnership. And we, you know, for 22 years, we're super close still. Mm-hmm. um, that's a key to success, right? If, if that relationship wasn't good or if we weren't on the same page. I don't think I could handle the, the stresses and the, the chaos and the uncertainty of, of everything, if that core wasn't, wasn't there of, of that marriage relationship.

Matt Edmundson: So how do you, um, if you don't mind me prying, how do you make, how do you maintain that? How do you maintain that core?

Brett Curry: Yeah, dude, that's a great question. So, um, and, and actually this is one to bring up, uh, Jared Mitchell one more time. Like I, I, I, he shared with me this idea, which we have not implemented yet, but we plan to, where he and his wife Elena, they do like a date day, once a month.

So once a month during the week, kids are at school, business is running. They do a date day. Right. I love that idea. Um, so my wife and I don't do that. uh, we do like a date, uh, every couple of months. Um, but no, we, we try to at least have a few minutes every day, even if it's the very last thing of the day when we can focus on each other.

Kids are not in the room, we're able just to talk a little bit and hang out. Right. Um, we, we pray together. Right. So there's like a spiritual connection as well. Sure. Uh, we we're still crazy about each other. Like, I, I legitimately like her and love her. Right. So, so that is there. We do try to do getaways, um, at least a couple times a year, just the two of us.

So I had a chance to speak at an event in Los Angeles and then in San Diego, and she went with me. And so it was just the two of us and it was awesome. Um, so we try, we try to do that a couple times a year and those, those are really good. Wanting to get away from the kids and get away from the, you know, the stresses mm-hmm. and just to focus on each other.

But yeah. And then, you know, we're, we're just committed. We're committed to making the family work. We're committed to making the marriage work. And, uh, yeah, we legitimately like each other. We had a close family member of ours, uh, say one time, like, I don't think I know many other couples that like each other as much as you guys do.

So, so that, for that I feel blessed. Like that's just, um, I don't know how you do that. I, I just feel blessed that we, we ended up together. Um, but yeah, we, there's no real secret sauce there other than what I just shared. You just gotta try to carve out the time. But it's hard. Most days it's brief moments, brief windows of time to be together.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, no, we, um, Sharon, my wife and I, we often, we have this sort of phrase, what's the non-negotiables? Yeah. And, um, you know, what's, what's the non-negotiable in our lives? And so every week we have date night, uh, without fail. Love, love it. Unless I'm traveling, uh, which is, you know, but if I'm traveling, we reschedule.

That's awesome. And so we prioritize that every week, right? So I can't book anything in that time unless it isn't, unless we've agreed it together. And it is an absolute necessity to do that. Right. Um, and I, I think there are some things like that. The non-negotiables where, you know, you are a different life situation with eight kids, but it's that kind of, we're gonna spend some time together, even if it's just a few minutes just hanging out.

That's a non-negotiable, right. So, um, and I think it's things like that, that matter a lot. We're gonna put this first, you know, and it, it, it changes. I think it, I've been married, you've been married what? 22 years? So I'm slightly ahead of you. I'm 24. We're coming up to our 25th anniversary. And like you, I, I sit here and go, my wife is amazing, Uh, she is a phenomenal lady, and like you. I have the way easier job, and I still really like her. She's, she's an absolute legend. There's not many people on the planet that I want to be around more than her. And you kind of think, well, that's, that's very, very wonderful to have that really,

Brett Curry: um, I'm extremely grateful.

Matt Edmundson: Well, it makes the rest of life easy, doesn't it? In some respects, the business.

Brett Curry: It does, or at least it makes it valuable. Like as long as you know the core is there, then okay, so what if the business goes up or down a little bit? We'll, we'll figure it out. Like we'll get through it, right? But having that core there is, is what counts. Yeah, for sure.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. No, fantastic. So you said earlier that one of the key things for you is um, being centered, what do you do to sort of fill your tanks? You know, so we say the podcast is push to be more, right? So what do you do to be, to sort of, to recharge?

Brett Curry: Yeah, I love it. Um, so, you know, there's, there's a few things that I'm, I'm kind of focused on and, and geeking out a little bit on.

And in terms of like peak performance and stuff, um, I have restructured my diet. So like, uh, breakfast is pretty regimented. It's like oats and berries and yogurt, and I'm, I'm regimented on my vitamins and, and lunch is usually pretty healthy. Mm-hmm, occasionally dinner is whatever it is, right? Cause we're a big family.

I think I'm bringing pizza tonight, so. But I've been pretty serious about my diet, um, trying to regulate sleep and sleep well to kinda stay centered. Mm-hmm. . But in terms of, uh, other things that are mentally healthy, uh, I love the five minute journal. So it's, it's a process five minutes in the morning.

Are you familiar with it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's great. So there's a five minutes in the morning, five minutes in the evening, and you, you start the day with gratitude, you end the day reflecting on what went great and what could be better. And that process has been really, really good for me. So, to, to just remember like, what, what happened today was great, right?

What, what little funny thing did my kids say? Or what interaction at work or what was special, right? So I, so I do that. Uh, essentially every day. It's very, very rare that I miss, and I've been doing that for probably four years or so. Mm-hmm. uh, I do have a Prayer time. I know people, you know, talk to people that, that meditate or pray or do some focused time, uh, in the mornings.

I do that as well. I, I read my Bible, I pray. I like, I've got that, that meditation time, which mm-hmm. , which is non-negotiable for me. Even if it's a few minutes, I do that, so that, that helps a lot. Um, into cold, uh, therapy. So I've been doing cold showers now for a while. Uh, thought about a cold plunge. Those are kind of tricky to like, get set up and stuff.

But I do ice cold shower where we've got, well water where I live. So the, uh, the water this time of year as we're recording is about, uh, in the upper fifties, uh, Fahrenheit, which is, which is pretty chilly. Um mm-hmm.. Um, so I do that, but that's like, You know, uh, just feel great after, after I do it. So, so focus on that as well.

And then I think, you know, I think it's just remembering like what's really important, you know? Mm-hmm. what is, what is really important in life and, uh, uh, you know, had had the experience. When I was 15, my mom passed away. So my mom was amazing woman, super strong, like just, just like a rock of a woman and got lung cancer and.

And died after 16 months. And so at 15 I was still like this awkward kid that really didn't know what was going on, but it, but it immediately, I immediately grew up, right? I immediately grew up and thought, I think that's part of why I don't mind risk, right? It's like, okay, what if, what if the business fails?

Okay, that's not big a deal, right? Like compared to losing someone, no big deal, right? So, um, really immediately caused me to, to grow up and to, to value things differently. So I think I always kinda leaned into relationships. I've always loved people, but like that experience specifically caused me to, to lean into people and to. To value today, right? Cause you don't, you don't know what's gonna happen, uh, in the next year or few years or whatnot. So, yeah.

Matt Edmundson: Wow. So, uh, let's talk about journaling for a second. What, what started that four years ago? Why, why just four years ago? What was the kick start?

Brett Curry: Yeah, so that happened, uh, actually I was listening to the Tim Ferris podcast and he mentioned it.

And then I started looking at it and I was like, you know, that's something I could keep up with. I had done a few times when I've like traveled. I did like a trip journal. And that was, you know, fun and easy to do, but then, but just doing it daily, right? So the nice thing about the Five Minute Journal is I've got a place, I've got the journal itself and it's got a structure and it doesn't take a lot of time.

So, you know, if I had to journal for an hour or something, I probably just wouldn't do it most of the time. And so this, this makes it easy and I built a routine now to where I just do it and I love it and I feel better mentally. Mm-hmm.. More gratitude, which is better for your health and mental wellbeing and stuff.

So I think it just makes it easy.

Matt Edmundson: And do you, I think I'm understanding you must have a, like the hard copy, you use pen and paper. You don't use like a, an app for this.

Brett Curry: Use pen and paper. I, I've got bad handwriting. I try to do most things digitally because I use like Apple notes and stuff just cuz I, I like to have notes on my phone for the most part.

Mm-hmm.. But there's something valuable, and you and I were talking about this earlier too. We gotta do some things that are not digital, right? We're just, we're, we're digital everything. So I like the feel of the journal. It's like a textured, um, cover. I write with a pen, I've got a pen that I like. Uh, it's not like nothing fancy.

It's a cheap one, I like it. And, um, so yeah, it's, it's pen on paper and for me that's, that's valuable.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, absolutely. I find I go through seasons where journaling is concerned, and so I don't journal every day, but I do journal and sometimes I'll journal on paper. Sometimes I'll journal on an app. I've got the day one app on my phone and I'm just kind of like, meh, I, you know, whatever.

I feel like that day. And it kind of, it kind of works me, but I'm a big, big, big fan of journaling. Uh, yeah. And appreciate it's not for everybody. One of the things that I did um, during lockdown, uh, I dunno if you've tried it, Brett, is journaling whilst I'm walking around the park. I'm actually dictating now cuz the dictation software's so good on phone.

That's a great idea and I'm just, Spouting stuff, uh, out as I'm, as I'm sort of, uh, walking around, you know, the, the local park. And I find I've never really done that before, but I do that a lot now actually. Uh, people must think I'm mad, well, actually, you've got headphones on. People just assume you're talking to people these days, don't they?

So, I'm okay.

Brett Curry: Yeah, that's super interesting. So, uh, what is, what is the app? Are you just using like voice to text on, on Apple Notes or something? Or what? What's the app?

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, you know, I've just got the iPhone and on the bottom key, the bottom right of the keyboard, there's that microphone button so you can be in any app.

And so I use the day one app, which is a journaling app, and I just turn the microphone on and I just start rambling to myself. I love it and it. It, it, uh, works really well, especially if I'm walking somewhere. You know, if I'm, I wouldn't do it to sit in a chair here. I'd be like, if I'm walking and in a park or some, you know, something like that.

It works really well.

Brett Curry: Yeah. I've never done that. I should try it. I do think, well, when I'm moving mm-hmm. and I actually. I actually think pretty well when I'm speaking, so I do like to process things. You know, I'm an auditory processor and so a verbal processor as well. So yeah, I'll have to try that. I've never done that, but um, I like that idea, uh, a lot.

I'll have to give it a shot.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, let me know how you go on. It works. Honestly, I'm, I'm the same way. I like every day. Uh, I go for a walk, a 30 minute walk around the local park and, um, just, it's one of the things that I do and it's a great time just to process, you know, a whole bunch of stuff going off in my head.

So, uh, no, I like that. So you say you also take vitamins. You have a vitamin or vitamin, uh, regimen that you follow.

Brett Curry: Oh, I, I love that you call them vitamins. Um, I, I, There's a few words that, that Brits say that I just absolutely love. I think the other one is aluminum, right? Aluminum is aluminum. Love that as well.

But, but vitamins? Uh, no. There's, there's, uh, a particular company, we, we did some marketing work for them. They, uh, did they do gut health intelligence tests? So it's called Viome with a V. Viome. Mm-hmm.. Um, I don't know that their supplements are better than, than others or whatnot, but what I like about it is they do test your gut and see what you process and what you handle and what your body needs.

So it's like blood test. Uh, saliva test and stool sample. Like it's, this is like intense and then they give you like, these are the vitamins that are optimized for you. Uh, so I've been sticking with that. Um, but you know, in general I like things that are cold processed and natural and, you know, more food based rather than, than, you know, built in a lab or, or chemical based.

So that, that's kind of the, the go-to. Um, I also like mushrooms. I've been, been, uh, not like the illegal kind, but, um, I mean, I think there's some. Health benefits there too. I've actually been listening to podcasts and that's super interesting to me too. But I mean, things like. Uh, lions' Mane and Rishi and Ashwaganda, and, uh, got a good friend, good friend of mine who runs an herb business called Lost Empire Herbs.

And so, so try some of those things. Pine Pollen, uh, I'm a big, big Saw Palmetto fan, so for guys, you know, as you get in your thirties and forties, can help boost those T levels. So I take, I take Saw Palmetto a couple times a day. Mm-hmm. and, um, yeah, those, those are the main things. But I don't know, again, I don't know what's driving this.

It could be, you know, uh, the trauma of my mom getting cancer as a kid or whatnot. But dude, I don't, I don't miss days with vitamins. I just don't, I, I don't have to, I don't have to work to remember. I just remember I just do it. Yeah. And so, so I take vitamins morning and night. Hydrate, you know, water and coffee.

It's about it for me. That's what I like to drink and occasional beer, wine. I'm not opposed, although as I, as I'm getting older, I find I enjoy them less, which is really interesting. But, but I love, love water and coffee. Occasional tea as well, so, yeah.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Fair enough. I, um, I'm a big fan of a tea called Buttermint.

There's a, Buttermint tea yeah. By, by Twinings. And um, it used to be, until recently, Twinings is an English company, as far as I'm aware. Uh, they made this tea. Um, but I couldn't find it anywhere in the UK. The, I, I had to buy it from the States and import it back to the UK. Fortunately now it's on Amazon, so I don't have to do that. But I know you can get it in the States.

Brett Curry: It's made in England, shipped to the US, shipped back to England.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's very efficient. Yeah. Very sustainable as well. Good for the environment. Uh, so, yeah, we, um, we're glad that that little thing is over, but. Yeah. Yeah. I like you I think the older I get the less beer and wine I drink. Uh, to be fair,

Brett Curry: yeah. I, I really enjoy it. Like, I'll enjoy a beverage and stuff. It's just like if I drink, for me, if I drink wine too late at night, it messes with my sleep. I go to sleep real easy, but I don't sleep deeply. But I love craft beer. I love good red wine. I just, I drink it very sparingly.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. I'm with you. Or gin and tonic. Uh, Rome apparently is a thing which is taken off here in the UK.

Brett Curry: Uh, we've interesting. I don't know how many people, so, uh, tequila is, uh, like, like craft tequila's kind of making, uh, some waves in the US. I do like some, some quality tequila and then bourbon, you know, there's like a, there's documentary about bourbon.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, yeah. You can't go wrong with bourbon. Uh, that's for sure. My, my middle child, Zach, my youngest son, um, he's first year at university this year, and, um, I said to him, son, what do you want for Christmas? A really nice bourbon and I'm like, that actually makes me feel really proud. And I don't know why.

Brett Curry: I do love so that, there's a great documentary, it's called Neat On, it's on Hulu, I think, but you could, you could search, maybe it's on Netflix.

I don't remember. Uh, but it's about bourbon and um, like there's this stories of families, you know, distilleries and how they make bourbon and I love the process of like a good craft beer or wine or, and bourbon, because bourbon or scotch, it takes years like, like good people that dedicate themselves to the craft.

They, they make what a few batches in their lifetime, right? Cause it takes 15 years for the really good stuff to age. And yeah, it's super interesting. And if you drink like me, like one thing of, um, bourbon or rye will last like a good decade, uh, so the bottles are pretty cheap when you, when you look at it that way.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. Um, Brett, where do you see, um, yourself in sort of three to four years' time? What sort of areas are we looking to grow in, to develop in, uh, to be more in?

Brett Curry: Yeah, it's really great. You know, I, I want to, uh, continue to, to develop other leaders. I think that's kind of the next phase is how do I go from, uh, hopefully just being an effective leader to, to training and developing other effective leaders and, you know, one, want the business to continue to grow. You know, definitely see us going, you know, beyond the a hundred team member mark and, and likely, you know, approaching 200, uh, employees. And so wanting to continue to grow in that, uh, want to continue to see my, my kids grow and develop and, you know, we, we've got one that's, uh, attending university and, and one that's in the workforce already got a great sales job.

And so, To continue to develop them and also hopefully help create some opportunities. You know, we're actually starting a family real estate business that hopefully some of the kids wanna get involved in and things like that. Oh, fantastic. And so, so, yeah. So yeah, so we're, we're working on some family real estate, which, which will be fun.

So, but I think more than anything it's gonna be hopefully developing other, Leaders, uh, one because that's, that's extremely satisfying and gratifying and I love seeing other team members step up. Mm-hmm.. And I think that's gonna be the key to, to growth and to the next level. And so that this is the, you know, question I ask myself is, Hey, who do I need to become for OMG to reach the next level because I know what's gonna get us there isn't what got us here, right? Mm-hmm. and, and the leader that I am today isn't gonna cut it for, uh, what the business needs later. And same for my family. You know, what my family needs tomorrow isn't, uh, just who I am today. And so, yeah.

Uh, gotta gotta keep, gotta keep growing, gotta keep stretching. Um, uh, and so yeah, that's, that's high level in general, kind of what I see.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, I can't ever see you sitting still, to be honest with you, bud I think,

Brett Curry: I don't, I don't sit still. Yeah. I don't sit still well. You know, I like, I like growth for sure.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, I can imagine.

I can imagine. Um, uh, listen, this show, as you know, uh, is sponsored by Aurion Media, which is all about, you know, helping businesses get set up with a, with their own podcast. Now you actually have your own pod Well, you have two podcasts. Two podcasts, yeah. Yeah, two podcasts. So, question for you, um, about your podcast.

Who is on your dream list of guests like that have yet to appear on your show? And they could maybe tie into the industry, maybe not, but if, like, if you could just interview anybody on your podcast, who would it be?

Brett Curry: Yeah, that's, that's a really great question. So, I mean, I, I, two podcasts, one is called E-Commerce Evolution.

Been doing it now since 2017. It's about what's new and what's next in e-commerce. And so, so there, you know, I'd love to just interview other great brands, other great, you know, D to C brands and would love to interview some of the, who I would consider like the, the pioneers. Uh, like, like Andy Dunn from Bonobos or, uh, Toby from Shopify or, or, you know, leaders from Amazon, maybe not Bezos.

I mean, that'd be cool, but I don't think he's, I don't think he's interested. Uh, I'm sure he is a listener, but he is probably not, not interested in being on the show. What's that?

Matt Edmundson: I said I'll introduce you if you like.

Brett Curry: Oh, please. Yeah. You have text between me and me and Bezos. That'd be awesome. Uh, the other podcast called Spicy Curry, uh, cause my last name is Curry and we get spicy, but it's hot takes on e-commerce and business.

Uh, for that. You know, I would love to interview, you know, someone like, uh, uh, geez. Yeah. He's a dream guest and I can't think of his name. Uh, Reid Hoffman, who founder of LinkedIn and, uh, has. The, the Scale Up podcast, love what that guy's doing. Mm-hmm, I'm a pretty big Elon Musk fan and just the way he thinks differently about things, uh, you know, from the, in the early days, uh, big Tim Ferris fan.

Still a lot of respect there. Um, and I know he is kind of polarizing, but I, I like, I like a lot of what Gary V is up to. I think he's an interesting cat to, to follow. Don't, don't love everything about what he does, but I think he's an interesting cat. So that, that would definitely be, those would definitely be a few.

Some great guests. Yes. And also Craig Groeschel, right? She's like a mentor of mine, but from afar, right? So, Huge fan of Craig Groeschel.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's um, he's an interesting character, that's for sure. Uh, so no. Fantastic. Well, listen, Brett, uh, one, I look forward to listening to those podcast episodes. Uh, so I'll introduce you to Jeff.

No problem. Um, . Thank you. I'm sure if I look deep enough, I probably got Tim Ferris's number somewhere. I dunno.

Brett Curry: Yeah, do it man. Look at this. This was valuable. Look, look at these connections. This is what podcasting can do for you. If you wanna hit up the sponsor and start your podcast, this is what you can do.

Matt Edmundson: Fantastic. Oh, I couldn't have planned that any better if I'd have scripted it now. Uh, Brett, it's been great. Listen, tell the good folks how they reach you, how they connect with you if they want to, if they want to do that.

Brett Curry: Yeah, absolutely. So, uh, best way if you wanna contact the business or get any marketing questions or whatnot, uh, And then there's a couple ways to fill out forms and, and, and reach out to us. I see almost all of those, uh, even though the company's larger, uh, would love to connect on LinkedIn. So I'm pretty active on LinkedIn. Uh, I'm still connected on the Facebook, right? So, uh, hit me up on, on Facebook and, uh, and you and I were talking about this.

I'm gonna throw out this out for the second time, so now I've really gotta do it. Yeah, you've really got, I'm not active on Twitter yet, but I do plan to be all my direct to consumer marketing friends are like, Hey, Twitter's the place to be. It's where the cool kids are. That's where great conversations are happening about marketing.

So I'm, I'm laying out a process now for how I can be on Twitter. So reach out there, or, or email, emails you got like thoughts on leadership or whatnot? Mm-hmm. , uh, Brett with two ts, Love to connect.

Matt Edmundson: Fantastic. Now, I, I actually connected with you on Twitter earlier before this podcast. Oh, did you really?

Brett Curry: Okay, sweet. We're locked in. We're making it happen. Cause you're, you're committing to Twitter as well.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. We're, we're definitely, um, we're definitely gonna try and get on the Twitter thing a little bit more, so I'm curious to see where Elon takes it. That's for sure. So, uh, yeah, I,

Brett Curry: me too. And maybe now, maybe. Hey Matt. Now maybe he'll wanna join both our podcast. So now that he knows we're committing to Twitter, so

Matt Edmundson: Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, if you can come on yours. Actually no, come on mine first. Cuz if he goes onto yours, he'd be like, I can't, I can't beat this. This is so, this is the pinnacle. So, uh, so come on mine first.

Listen Brett, again, what a legend. Uh, loved the conversation. I love the fact that you are so passionate about people. Um, and so, uh, just humble and about your business and, and what's going on there, and the fact that you're a total. I dunno what the word to describe it is, inspiring but slightly bonkers person when it comes to family and uh,

Brett Curry: I love inspiring but slightly bonkers. I'm gonna use that. I'm gonna use that.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Yeah. that could be a great name for a podcast actually.

Brett Curry: All right. I like that. Good ideas.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. So, um, no, thank you for coming on this show, man. Honestly loved it. You're an absolute legend and I appreciate it.

Brett Curry: Awesome. Thanks Matt. Had a blast. Really enjoyed it.

Matt Edmundson: No, that's great. So thank you for listening to the show. We will of course link to Brett's info in the show notes, which you can get for free, along with the transcript at or at which.

You know, if you sign up to the, uh, to the newsletter, it's gonna come direct to your inbox as well. Uh, so what a great conversation. Loved it, loved it. And like Brett said, you know, this is what podcasting can do for you. So do remember this week's show sponsor Aurion media. If you too are wondering if podcasting is a good marketing strategy for your business.

Do connect with them at That's We will of course, link to them on our podcast website Uh, and you can find it all there. There's links everywhere. Be sure to follow, push to be more, uh, wherever you get your podcast from because we've got some more great conversations lined up about life, about business, about how it all works together.

And I don't want you to miss any of them, and in case no one has told you today, dear listener, you are awesome. Yes you are. It's just a burden that you've got to bear. I've got to bear it, Brett's gotta bear it. Just gotta bear it. It's just the way it is. Uh, Push To Be More is produced by Aurion Media. You can find the archive of episodes on your favorite podcast app.

The team that makes this show possible is Sadaf Beynon, Josh Catchpole, Estella Robin and Tim Johnson. Uh, theme music was written by Josh Edmundson, and as I mentioned, if you'd like to read the transcript or show notes, head to the website,, where you can sign up for the weekly newsletter and get all of this good stuff direct to your inbox. Totally free.

So that's it from me. That's it from Brett. Uh, I hope you enjoyed this conversation as much as I did. Thank you so much for joining us. Have a fantastic week. I'll see you next time. Bye for now.