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Bouncing Back as a Business Leader after Cancer Setback | Jayne Moore

Today’s Guest Jayne Moore

Jayne Moore is the founder and Chief Executive of Jayne Moore Media Group. She is a successful award-winning entrepreneur and business leader.

Jayne established Moore Media in 2011 and has developed it from a traditional public relations consultancy into a full multi-media communications agency, and this has equipped her to deliver the full breadth of PR, social media, and branding needs of clients in the digital age.

During lockdown 2020, Jayne developed I Am Moore to be a government gateway for the Kickstart scheme, successfully placing almost 300 young people into employment.

In addition to this, Jayne launched My Odd Job Guys, a handy person service working to place Ex-forces and blue light personnel into work and generating work placements for young people who have been affected by unemployment and homelessness.

Jayne is passionate about ensuring that challenging topics are communicated effectively. As a former magazine editor, she has an expert rep in reputation management and crisis management. She also gives her time to lead a number of organizations outside of work.

  • Jayne began her career in administration and retail before moving to London. She was offered a job at Harrods, where she learned about people from all walks of life, including celebrities such as Princess Diana and Joan Collins. She was then headhunted by Lancaster for an ambitious role with the company that required her to move to Birmingham. That is where she met her future husband.
  • Jayne had a short stint in radio, which led to her running a small local station called KCI. She lost her voice on the first day of work and was eventually diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. She talks about how being the youngest in a family of six, she lacked confidence and always thought she needed someone else's help to succeed. But Karren Brady inspired and challenged her to realize her true potential.
  • Jayne believes that if you need to use someone's skills, they need to be paid for it. She does not like using students as volunteers to grow her business. She is proud of the Kickstart scheme which has enabled 80% of participants to consider full-time employment. Her husband being ex-military inspired her to build a support system around those transitioning out of the military into civilian life.
  • Jayne talks about how they recruit people. She says that they do not encourage a CV because it doesn't help create diversity and inclusion. Instead they want applicants to sent them a video or animation and express themselves in ways that a CV cannot capture. Additionally, speaking on the phone is encouraged since it shows one's ability to communicate effectively which is important when working with clients or influencers.
  • Jayne shares her struggles with cancer and menopause and how her team helped her take some time away and get through the tough times. She found strength in the idea that pain is growth, likening it to how lobsters grow by getting uncomfortable before breaking out of their shells into something new.

Links for Jayne

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Matt Edmundson: Welcome to Push to Be More with me, your host, Matt Edmundson. This is a show that talks about the stuff that makes life work and to help us do just that. I'm chatting with the very beautiful Jayne Moore from Moore media today about where she has had to push through, uh, what she does to recharge your batteries and uh, well, what she's doing to be more, which is ironic given her name. Now the, uh, show notes and transcript from my conversation with Jayne will be available on our website

Uh, also whilst, you're there on our website. You can sign up for our newsletter and each week we will email you the links and the notes from the show automagically. Uh, direct your inbox totally for free. So make sure you do sign up for that. Now this episode is brought to you by Aurion Media, which helps entrepreneurs and business leaders set up and run their own successful podcast.

And you know what I have found running my own podcast to be super, super rewarding. It opens doors to amazing people. Just like Jayne, like nothing I've ever seen. I've built networks, made friends, had a platform to champion my customers, my team, my suppliers, and I think just about every entrepreneur and business leader should have their own podcast, uh, just because of the huge impact it's had on my, uh, business.

Now, of course that all sounds great in theory, uh, but in reality there is the whole problem of setting up distribution, getting the tech right, knowing what the right podcast strategy is, and the list goes on. And, uh, Jayne, you know, as well as I, I'm like you, I love to talk to people, right? Uh, but not all that other stuff.

So Aurion media takes it all off my plate. I do what I'm good at, and they brilliantly take care of the rest. So if you are wondering if podcasting is a good marketing strategy for your business, do connect with them at That's A U R I O N Uh, and we will of course link to them in the podcast show notes, which no doubt you have got on subscription.

Now before I read today's bio, uh, and we get into Jayne's conversation, uh, I just wanna give a huge shout out to, uh, Jan Carlyle, who, I dunno if you remember Jan. She was the beautiful lady that connected us, uh, years ago. Uh, and Jan is great at the whole, the whole, uh, Event. Yeah, we love Jan. Uh, the whole events thing.

Uh, and if you want to connect with Jan, know more about it. Just head to her website,, especially if you're looking out for events. She's brilliant at those kinds of things. Now, Jayne Moore is the founder and chief executive of Jayne Moore Media Group. It is a successful, she is a successful award-winning entrepreneur and business leader.

Jayne established Moore Media in 2011 and has developed it from a traditional public relations consultancy into a full multimedia communications agency, and this has equipped her to deliver the full breadth of PR, social media, and branding needs of clients in the digital age. During lockdown 2020, Jayne developed I am moore to be a government gateway for the kickstart scheme, successfully placing almost 300, uh, young people into employment.

In addition to this, Jayne launched my odd job guys, a handy person service working to place Ex-forces and blue light personnel, uh, into work and generating work placements for young people who have been affected by unemployment and homelessness. She is passionate about ensuring that challenging topics are communicated effectively. As a former magazine editor, she has , uh, an expert rep in reputation management and crisis management.

Jayne has a reputation for getting things done. Uh, she gives her time to lead a number of organizations outside of work. She is, uh, on board level and Vice Chiefs in Georgia's Hall, which was in the recent Batman movie. Just want to point that out. Uh, and Jayne, no doubt, that was all down to you. So well, welcome to the show.

Great to have you here. Thanks for joining me on the podcast. I'm super excited Jayne, not gonna lie about this conversation.

Jayne Moore: Oh, it's same with me here, Matt and I can't take credit for Batman notes in the poor film office. Uh, but there's lots of other things I can take credit for, but I don't, I know where all the bodies are buried, Matt.

I know all the secrets of everybody. My, it's my job to make my clients look good, not myself. So,

Matt Edmundson: wow. Yeah. And therefore it's my job to make you look good. So I'm just gonna give you credit for Batman. That's fine.

Jayne Moore: Peaky Blinders and, uh, is it the wizarding world of beautiful beasts and all that? The Harry Potter stuff.

She's in there as well. So the, it's really wonderful. You see St. George's Hall, great Hall featured in these amazing, uh, productions as a place I'm really proud of. Yeah, I was first to get married in the building in 2008. I licensed for the first time for weddings. Uh, so I'm really proud. It feels like a, um, I shouldn't say it's been like a extension home, but it just, I feel very at home though.

It's beautiful. Yeah. My home is not a bit like St. George's Hall.

Matt Edmundson: Make a hell of a house.

Jayne Moore: I live in kenny, I keep it very real. I live in Kenny,

Matt Edmundson: live in Kenny. Uh, for those outside of Liverpool, that's Kensington, uh, which is um, uh, not Kensington, London, Kensington Liverpool.

Jayne Moore: Well, when I first came home to Liverpool, of course, all my friends in London and I said, I bought a five bedroom, three story townhouse in Kensington.

They all thought I must be coming from lots of money in Liverpool. It's uh, it's not the kind of place you imagine.

Matt Edmundson: No, it isn't. It's uh, it is, it is slightly different, uh, Kensington, but still a beautiful part of the world. There's certainly parts of it. Uh, Kensington.

Jayne Moore: Yeah, definitely. Well actually the, the community there is wonderful. Yeah. And I do feel blessed by my neighborhood cause it is a really traditional neighborhood. Um, my neighbors bring my, we bins in for me and they collect parcels they phone you, we had an incident this weekend and while the neighbors rang us at five in the morning to say they'd seen something happen in our driveway and kept us very much aware of it.

Matt Edmundson: Wow. Wow. But it's interesting, isn't it? We, we, are you born and bred Kensington or have you

Jayne Moore: Yeah, no, I was born in need rose just off of Hot Rose and then we moved out to. In those days, what was the, the known as the kind of the green belt land of Norris Green, which when you look now how Norris Green changed, um, It's uh, you know, I was seen as then the park kid who lived in cause we had parks and trees and we grew rhubarb in the garden.

Uh, whereas now, um, being back in Kensington, I do feel very much at the heart of my family and my community. Um, and it's great.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Fantastic. Fantastic. It's, um, it's, it's, it's interesting isn't it, the whole thing with Liverpool that the amount of people that, that are, are born here and they stay within a sort of a, we had Jen on the podcast and she was the same way.

She sort of not really moved out of the sort of the five, six square mile area in which she sort of grew up in. Yeah. And all the families still there.

Jayne Moore: I call Jan, Jan Friday cuz when we first launched, obviously we were, you know, running very fast and Jan used to come in every Friday and freelance for me as Jan Friday and she'd just do all the admin and keep me on track and get me organized. I've got a real affection for Jan.

Matt Edmundson: Ah, Jan

Jayne Moore: And obviously Simon who is her husband.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Yeah. Jan and Simon are great and um, I've known Jan for a very long time. I probably wanna say nearly 30 years. It's got to be maybe slightly. Yeah, it's gotta be about 30 years now. I've known that, that young lady since uni days, so, um, she's incredible.

Yeah. Great.

Jayne Moore: I'm really proud of what they're doing down in, uh, TEDx Winchester. They're doing some great stuff.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, they are doing the TEDx Winchester stuff, isn't it? Which is great. And, um, yeah, just great a whole event thing like we said in the show. So, so Jayne, let's talk about your good self a little bit. Um, so you, you've got more media, you've got this company up and running. Um, With the help of Jan Friday and a whole bunch of other people. Yeah. Uh, over the years. Yeah. Yeah. It's um, so you've got this company, you've got your, your house in Kensington. Yes. Which is

Jayne Moore: Kensington Gardens.

Matt Edmundson: Yes. Kensington Gardens. Actually, it's lovely. Um,

Jayne Moore: just laugh it off, I have actually got the only garden in the street because the house in between mine and my neighbors was bombed during the war.

Right. We have got, we have got the garden.

Matt Edmundson: That's fascinating. Uh, and so, and, and it was never built. The, the gap was never filled in the

Jayne Moore: longest split between the two houses. Wow. But we find all kinds of mad things in there. We found a Morris minor in the, the car. In the middle of the garden when we dig in, uh, anyway, we could talk for hours though we won't.

Matt Edmundson: Ah, geez. That's, yeah. For those of you who don't know, the Morris Minor is a car. It's an old car from the sort of sixties, seventies, right. Oh, makes you feel really old. It's, uh, but it's, my dad had a Morris Minor and he still waxed lyrical about that car. It's like the best car he's ever owned.

Do you know what I mean? And, and, um, and you do see them occasionally. Stunning, stunning cars. So you've grown up in Liverpool. Have you always sort of done the PR type thing. Is that sort of your, your route to market?

Jayne Moore: No, I started my very early career as a, you know, admin and office and bit of retail stuff.

Um, and then, uh, I then decided to my family all, a lot, my brothers and sisters moved to London. Cause in the late eighties there wasn't really an awful lot going on here. So I got on my bike literally, and on the, on the train down to London to sleep on my brother's sofa in Wimbledon. Uh, my sister at the time worked for a cosmetics company called Lancome and she got me an interview saying, oh, while we're down here.

See as you might, see if you can get some work. And I was offered a job as a Tony cast in Harrods, uh, which sounds very glamorous, but I was, um, a cheeky scouzer who, uh, was constantly being told off by my boss and, um, taught me so much about people. You know, and the people who came into the store, you had everything from tourists who'd come in just wanting to buy a lipstick because they wanted to have a Harrods Carry bag through to the length of Princess Diana and Joan Collins and the legends of the time.

Oh wow. And you know, Edward Woodward used to come in every Saturday morning to buy things. Oh wow. It was just these legends of our lifetime you'd seen on TV growing up. But you had to learn how to conduct youself and how to communicate at that level with people who, you know, we all look up to. But, um, it was a real sharp learning curve for me.

Um, and then very quickly I was headhunted and noticed at Harvey Nichols, uh, with a company called Lancaster, and I was really ambitious. Yeah. And always pushing for the next good promotion or the next thing Um, and the only store that was within the kind of category A stores where there was a managing position was in Birmingham.

And at the time, I'd been dating my boyfriend, who's now my husband, who I met from the ship was in Port in Liverpool. He was from Birmingham. Yeah. But he was in the forefront at the time with the Navy. Wow. So I thought, well, yeah, I can go to Birmingham. So I just packed up my life belongings in the van and moved to Midlands.

But that put me in touch with a very different base.

Matt Edmundson: Um, yeah, I can imagine.

Jayne Moore: Really really kind. And I was there when there was an incident in the store when a man came in, picked up a knife in the, the kitchen department and decided to slash all the women in the store. So I, I was on my way into the store as it was happening.

Um, and he did, it started on my counter and I'd swapped the shift with the girl who was, wanted to be on nights. I was in the early shift. I would've been the first victim. Um, so yeah, thankfully I, I missed out on all of that. So that changes your approach to going into work.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, I bet it does. Jeepers

Jayne Moore: adds a whole lot of fear, but again, lots of my team were on valium after it. It was really distressing and you saw the best and the worst in people.

Yeah. Yeah. There was the, the, the thrill seekers who wants to see the incident and the crime scene. Um, cause the store opened up an hour later. You know once we had cleaned up and got rid of all the blood. Then the store opened. It was kinda of a, this is a usual kind of approach. And then that night, that afternoon, this man from the floor of the flower markets came in and all the galleries brought flowers in for the girls.

And then the flowers started to arrive for days after that. And the outpouring of support we had is incredible to the point that made me want to change jobs.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, bet.

Jayne Moore: That's why I changed to a different company and a different uniform in the same department. Wow. Um, but that then put me in touch with, it was a company called Sicily.

And I met Karren Brady, who became a really regular client of mine. Um, and she used asked to go and do photo shoots for her. And I'll never forget, she said something to me on a shoot one day that really struck a chord with me. And she said, why are you doing this? Because she could see that I had the potential to do more.

Yeah. We were the same age thereabouts. Yeah. And, um, and basically, She'd seen my potential, uh, in that I didn't have that understanding of my, my potential I suppose. In retail, you are challenged to be the best in business, but actually there is not really anywhere for you to go. Yeah. And, um, it's, uh, it's, it's not always respected when you've done retail.

Yeah. So when I got, when I eventually got outta retail, I, I'd kind of taken Karren's voice in my head. And she told me how she got started selling advertising business to business and, and I got a job for a company called Ken's Publishing, where I sold advertising for the chamber of commerce directories. I think it was either that or Yellow pages at the time with a, it predates Google, by the way.

Um, so I learned how to do business to business. Yeah. Through the, and then I launched, um, with a guy I worked with I launched a consumer magazine called Boutique, Which is a lifestyle magazine for the Midlands. Mm-hmm. And that's really where I learned how to write and how to be creative and, you know, create adverts for people and, and do marketing campaigns for people.

We did large scale events across Birmingham. We did launch events all for our advertisers added value. Um, and like all first businesses and partnerships that all went horribly wrong, and, um, We, we kind of crashed and burned in September the 11th, 2000. I'll never forget it, when the administrators moved in.

And at the time I was sponsored by Smart Car. You know, I had a free car, I had Ted Baker, he used to dress me for events and all kinds of crazy deals were struck. Um, but that was, they were where I really learned my negotiation skills and my people skills. But it all came through good old-fashioned retail caller shop values of customer care.

Wow. And making sure you took care of your customers. Um, and then I came home to Liverpool, um, kinda a little bit, you know, in, in recovery, running your first business into the walls, it's not easy. Mm-hmm. Um, and it was a really interesting time in the world when September 11th had happened. Yeah. Um, I think the world changed.

So I came home to regroup. Yeah, I think I then got a job for Restaurant Magazine as a national property editor. Traveled all over the country meeting developers and planners and you know, A3 commercial operators like Simon Cost, I think it was sushi and into these amazing characters. And it just got me back on to where I should be.

Yeah. And after a short stint in radio where I kind of understood the medium of radio a bit more. Mm-hmm. and um, Uh, I, I got a job running a, a small local radio station in Prescott called, it was called KCI. We launched as the rocket, and the first day I started, I lost my voice.

Matt Edmundson: Wow.

Jayne Moore: But then that lasted for 12 weeks, which eventually led to a cancer diagnosis.

So my voice is a bit gravely. I've got, I had a, I've got a paralyzed Larynx now still from those times in 2005 when I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Thankfully treated cured amen. Thank God for Professor Petit and the team over at the Royal Liverpool Hospital. Uh, you know, I've gone on to now, uh, have, this is now my second agency in the city.

Um, I, I launched somewhere else with business partners, uh, when I was still bald. And then, I kind of exited that in 2011-12 on my own. And I think the lessons along the way though is that I never had the confidence to do it on my own. Really? I didn't think I had the confidence on my own. Yeah. I always felt I needed other people with me.

Right. And I think that's part of being the youngest of a family of six. You know, as the baby you don't ever feel like you've grown up enough. And that was the, the whole thing with Karren Brady identifying her with the same age, and she was the MD of a football club and I was just and just an account manager of managing 12 staff, but yeah.

In a department store, that really wasn't entrepreneurial enough for me and my ambition. Um, and that's why now I think I pay it forward so much. I see young people who are so talented who don't believe in themselves or and sometimes I recognize other people and I kind of pick it out and say, you know, why are you doing this?

I do for other people, what Karren Brady did to me all those years ago.

Matt Edmundson: That's really interesting. So, so that, okay. So that, that need then to have people around you and that support, that mentoring, I suppose, um, is what drives you now with helping the, all those new people that you're, you're paying it for. I love that phrase.

Pay it forward. That's such a great phrase, isn't it?

Jayne Moore: I think, you know, with my previous agency, we were very much, we grew from a very small startup. Mm, very rapidly because we used graduates who were volunteering for us. Um, sorry, I've just got a building site outside, I apologize for Jenny. He started singing, let me know. Um, it's never ending the cla in the place outside. Anyway, um, that kind of, you know, starting small and I'm working with volunteers who are graduates to, to support our growth

always felt to me a little bit fundamentally off, you know, okay. I, when I was 20, I couldn't have afforded to go to work for free. Mm-hmm. And I think in the marketing, creative industries, all too often would rely on volunteers right who are inexperienced. And it's a bit of a, a bit of a trade in, you know, they need the experience, we need the skills, actually if we need the skills, we should pay for them.

Yeah. I've only ever done. You know, a couple of weeks of experience if, if that's what someone really wants. Because if, if I need them to be able to deliver on my projects then I need to pay them. Yeah. And I think, I look back and think as a kid I could never have volunteered in my family situation. My dad died when I was two leaving mum with six kids.

I would never have got into the industry had I had to volunteer. So that's why the kickstart scheme was so important to me. You know, and I'm really proud that of those kids we placed, 80% are considering full-time employment. And we keep in touch with them, you know, and we, um, we we're just about to start delivering some training, um, through growth platform in digital marketing.

And the people we've placed are now being given the opportunity to go on the training to get improved conditions at work. So if there's, you know, helping them skill up to operate best practice like we do to then give them greater opportunities to grow their careers. And that's really important to me.

Um, you know, and the, the whole my odd job guys thing is my husband's ex-military. Yeah. And I've seen how he struggled in City Street. Yeah. The one, you know, he is very lucky to have my network around him. He's still a brummy who, who's outside of his network that he is grown up in and in the Navy, they are a very transient network.

Yeah. The networks he has made in London or in New Castle, but it's made to the Navy not here. So we've had to then build a support system around these guys who've come to us who've sometimes have got issues, you know? Yeah. And there was a young man who'd lived with homelessness and he came in as a Kickstarter, but the wraparound support we gave him to get him back on track and he's now, you know, working full-time in the Home Bargains warehouse.

Matt Edmundson: Oh, fantastic. Yeah.

Jayne Moore: But the, because he's got that experience. Yeah. And having done time with, with my odd job guys. Um, it doesn't always work out for the best. You can't help everybody, but you give them those journeys. And you give them opportunities to grow and learn, and that's all you can do.

Matt Edmundson: I love it. I love the fact that you, because a lot of people, they try these things, Jayne, right?

Uh, I mean, we've got some people which were placed with Kickstarter, brilliant scheme. And, um, but a lot of people try these things. It doesn't work out the first time they've tried. And so therefore, don't do it again and just tell everybody just doesn't work. Right. Whereas I, I listening to you talk, um, obviously you've, you've persevered with these things and actually a driving force behind some of them, uh, , and obviously it's a real passion for you, like a, a real thing.

You, you want to see, uh, you know, with, with young people, which is great. So,

Jayne Moore: I'm a mom, Matt. That's a different, I've got a 14 year old daughter. Um, and for me, I'm seeing the workplace she's gonna go into and seeing her own social anxiety that's left behind by Kickstart. And even with all of my, you know, skills, abilities and networks.

I see that becoming an issue for her as she goes in towards being ready for the world of work. So it's more about, and a lot of the, there's lots of other women I work with in the city and we're developing projects together because, and we come at it from that parental point of view and that nurturing side of things, saying, you know, we see the problem.

I'm a solution builder, you know, so I can see the solution for the problem, but I've not always got the finance and the, you know, the capacity to be able to drive on my own and I'm having to learn how to work within the system. which is set up to make you fail. It's set up, um, to be so complex that actually, you know, you can't always achieve what you set out to do.

Kickstart is a prime example of that. Brilliant scheme. We had 500 jobs to fill, however the scheme was so constrained that we couldn't, that all of them, we had a thousand applicants. Yeah. Because the, the controls that they put in place were such that we couldn't place all the kids. Mm-hmm. I should say they're not all kids, but when you're as old as me, you do see them all as kids.

Matt Edmundson: When you're as old as me.

Jayne Moore: We've got, we've got Caitlin here who's a prime example of a success story, you know, she's on the trajectory for her career now. Mm-hmm. Started with kickstart with us, and it's gone on. A client who adore working with her and she'd really struggled to get into work, you know, graduated, came into back to Liverpool during the pandemic we came back to, to her home city.

Um, and just couldn't get a job. Yeah. And I'm so grateful she came to us.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, that's interesting. Do you think then it's incumbent upon business leaders, entrepreneurs to, to look out for the, um, I don't want to, I dunno what the phrase I'm looking for is this sort of a vulnerable people group. So the young people, for example, who aren't getting the breaks, who aren't getting the chances and go, and actually no, I need to create space in my organization that actually helps kickstart, um, that helps, uh, people that ordinarily maybe would be overlooked.

Jayne Moore: I think we've all got a responsibility, but challenge is when you have an HR function or a recruitment need. Of course you want, you want the best in your, the opportunities to employ someone, but that then leads to a lack of diversity, lack of inclusion. Um, and I was with somebody last week who passed the process in place to do blind CVs.

Mm-hmm. So there's no location, there's no, there's no photographs, there's no names. Mm-hmm. And then you can take people on, but a CV doesn't really work anymore. Mm-hmm. Kids, young people. Um, the way we recruit is by getting to a, you know, a digital post, whether it's a video or animation. We ask them to express who they are to us.

Not in a CV. Mm-hmm. And the CV can only tell you so much. A CV could have been made by somebody else for them. And often the first thing I say to anyone applying for a job is, yeah, gimme a call. Always say, yes, call me because I, in my world, you need to be able to take a phone and speak to me. Or speak to the journalist, or speak to, you know, an influencer or speak to somebody.

To make an influence of them be able to do what you need our clients to achieve. So if you only communicate by email or text, you're not gonna achieve that. And I'm really shocked at how few calls actually come through. They're, they're not right for our environment if that's the case. Mm-hmm.

So we started on two process to be a bit more creative, um, and to say, you know, one guy gave us amazing animation. Um, and we've had other people do great videos and really they can express themselves to a TikTok dance as far as I'm concerned.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, yeah.

Jayne Moore: That shows me who they're and who they are is more important to me than how they've achieved in an exam.

I, if you look at my academic achievement, I fell out of love with education at six weeks in sixth form because, and I, I shouldn't tell my client Shakespeare. No, Shakespeare for me. I was like, oh, I'm outta here. Yeah. Um, but also that I needed to go into a world of work cause my family needed the income. Mm-hmm.

So, you know, that is still happening today. And how are we supporting those young people? To me, it doesn't matter whether you've got a degree or a baggage master ward, you know, if you've got the right attitude, I can train the rest.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, no, exactly. Exactly. I love that. I, I I love that it's, um, well we've done very similar things in the past where you look at, actually I'm not too much a, I'm not too concerned about necessarily how skilled you are. I want to look at how teachable and how trainable you are in a particular area. Um,

Jayne Moore: and how do you put it down and get it through to me. Yeah. And if you can get it through and speak to me and I always say ring me, cuz my mobile number's on LinkedIn, you know, anyone can ring me. Yeah. And they don't, so it drives me mad.

Matt Edmundson: Well, I, I, I dunno what it is. I, I, I have the same thing at work in the past where I've, like, I've, I've said to people, just give them a, a call in the office. Just get on the phone and give 'em a call. But it's like, I've asked them to plat sand. Uh, you almost feel like you have to show them how the phone works.

It's like, yes. I dunno if it's a generational, I, I do think it is a generational thing. I think anyone who's the age of 35.

Jayne Moore: That's when we started recruiting through video. Yeah, we submit a video to this email address, um, and it's amazing. You can actually see the person, you can see them shaking, and that's fine. We accept that people get nervous, but the fact they push themselves over the edge. They've, you know, they've gone over the brink and we can do the rest.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, no, it's true. We had people fill out yeah. We had people fill out, um, an application form and I used to ask them to draw, uh, the, their superhero costume. Has nothing to do with the job. Right. But it inside, yeah, you do.

Uh, what books do you read was another question that we asked on the application form. And if you didn't fill out the application form, we weren't interested. Uh, we didn't care how good you were because you weren't the right kind of person from a cultural fit, right.

Jayne Moore: In schools, nobody teaches young people this, you know.

So I started going to talk in schools, uh, about my story and, uh, I was really, really in my thoughts. I thought I'd been really motivational and the young girl directly in front of me fell asleep. You can't get through to all of them, but you know, I could see the lights went on with one or two and I've followed up at Office for work experience with them.

Wow. Because actually it's that light inside someone that you look for. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and you know, hopefully up getting room for work experience starts next year doing that part. Fantastic.

It's hard when you want an SME to take that responsibility on, which is why I think the kickstart scheme was brilliant for enabling entrepreneurs to be philanthropic. Yeah, it was. Yep. You know, you got a six month salary paid, all the costs were paid. Mm-hmm. , and you could really then invest in giving that to the young person.

That experience, and there was, was people who came in here. One guy wouldn't make eye contact, couldn't speak, you know, his family all had, you know, different neurodiverse issues like autism and adhd, and while he wasn't diagnosed, you could see there was a trait within that for him. And having done the work we've done with ADHD foundation, we, we wanted to give him the opportunity, um, by the end of the six months, he's a different guy.

Fantastic. Yeah. Until placed him somewhere else and we finished here. Um, and he's thriving now. And that's where, you know, we can't always fix everyone, but give them that opportunity to shine and show them how the world works. Actually, as an sme, you can't always afford to do it. Mm-hmm.

Matt Edmundson: So Jayne, I mean, you're doing this great work with, um, young people and, uh, you've got a drive there, which is great.

You've overcome cancer, uh, you know, twice. It's not just once, but twice.

Jayne Moore: And since we spoke last, I've had breast cancer. Okay.. It's dealt with, it's done, and it's dusted and it's gone. So, um, no more treatment needed. I get to keep my hair this time, which is

Matt Edmundson: Oh, fantastic. Fantastic.

Jayne Moore: My hair gets the right length. Yeah. They start talking about me, but it's all done. Um, um, I'm again, eternally grateful to the Royal Hospital for the care they've given me over the years. Mm-hmm. They keep telling me I'm an interesting case. All they say is that I'm interesting. Lovely.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. I just wanna be normal boring, but yeah. Yeah. Boring boring is fine.

Jayne Moore: That'd be lovely. Yeah. I do get fast tracked to resource every time we go in, which is always lovely.

Matt Edmundson: It's gotta have its perks, So you've, you've, you've survived cancer twice, plus the breast cancer. Um, you, you seem to have a zest for life, um, which is quite extraordinary.

Uh, and actually you, you tend to notice people that this, that have gone through real serious medical issues like yourself with the cancer. There's a real zest for life there. Real passion for helping, um, young people and stuff like that. So I'm curious, Jayne, what do you do to stay strong, to recharge your batteries, cuz you, there's a lot of stuff going on in Jayne Moore's life, right?

Jayne Moore: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well I do, I work with a coach. I have a lady called Denise that I work with. Um, we're at a point now where, you know, she knows me for the last 11 years if I ever have an issue, uh, I'll put up a phone and book appointment with her and we, I let it all out to her really. Um, I've an amazing team around me who support me.

My team did intervention on me, uh, a few months ago. Okay. I was obviously not having a good time in my head with what was going on with me personally, and they sent me home, uh, and said You need the time out. So Richard, Lizzie and Jen and Rachel literally rounded on me and said, can we take you for coffee?

You need to go home.

Matt Edmundson: So yeah, you, you see your, um, coach, you see your life coach. Um, you had an intervention from your team, which I just, I just love that your team just like, Jayne, can we have a coffee? You need to go home love. Um, and that's, that's, that's actually quite,

Jayne Moore: They did and I think we all have to own that.

Um, we all have personal lives and we all have stuff that goes on that impacts how we lead. Yeah. Um, and I wasn't being the best leader at the time. I was being a bit of a grouch and being, you know, something. I was shouting. I was really angry. And, and obviously it was impacting because of, of what was happening to me personally.

Um, so I went home and I went to bed, a good old cry, and then Denise pulled me up together again. But I have to deal with, particularly this recent breast cancer diagnosis. within that I'm of the age of the menopause and I hate we have to talk. It's great that we're talking about the menopause. Before I got at this point, it was always, oh dear God, don't talk about menopause.

Um, because it's a bit scary. No one really understands what goes on. And it is like having, uh, an internal terrorist attack. Somebody else sits inside your head and completely causes chaos. My vision is worse than it was. My memory is far worse than it was. Uh, you know, your skin dries out and start becoming more wrinkly.

You have to put more moisturizer on, there's loads of different elements of it, but also, you know, just the physical exhaustion. You know, I could've gone to the sofa and slept some days. Mm-hmm. . So I do think more needs to be understood about that part of life. Um, and it's great that men and women are talking about it in the workplace.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, it is. Yeah.

Jayne Moore: So, but I've just managed to get my menopausal symptoms under control when the breast cancer diagnosis came and I had to come off HR too. Oh. Um, it took me a year to get it because obviously since, you know, Davina raised the profile of of the support that

Matt Edmundson: I remember Yeah, yeah.

Jayne Moore: Everyone's on it and GP has taken longer and because I'm an interesting case.

I had to have three or four layers of consultants to approve it. Wow. So it was much more complicated for me. Um, I've had it for three months and I come off, so cold Turkey coming off was Not really, no. Um, so I just took myself away and I always remember there's a, it was a meme, saw it once on, on social media, I think it was a, a phrase from, uh, whether it was younger or.

One of those amazing philosophers, some philosophers who talked about that humans are are when they feel pain, it's growth, it's pain, and in order to grow you must feel the pain. But you know, a lobster in order to grow, they have the shell on the outside. So they have to get really uncomfortable in order to grow the next size of shell.

Yeah. But in our society we medicate through pain. Mm-hmm. Emotional pain, so we don't ever really get the growth. Whereas a lobster, they're under a stone from it, get really uncomfortable and then break out the shell. Yeah. A shiny new one. So that's kind of the method I take is I go under a stone for a little bit disappear and you then get me head on straight and come back you with a new do and a, a new vibe and new energy cuz really.

We all have tough times. Yeah. And I, I cope with it in my own way mm-hmm. And control my environment really closely so that I'm not inflicting myself on everybody, because that's when I was in pain. I was inflicting myself on my team. Mm-hmm. And that's not, that's not fair on anyone. So,

Matt Edmundson: um, no, no. But it's testament to your team.

Jayne Moore: Do you like my new style?

Matt Edmundson: Uh, I do. Uh, beautiful. Uh, like I said at the start, you're a beautiful lady, Jayne. And, um, I, I still stand by that and, and still actually, I, one of the inspiring people. You know, given that all you've gone through the level of inspiration, uh, is great, and then just listening to you tell your story, um, you know, testament to you.

You're team, you, you've, you've created a team that could tell you you need to go home, right? I mean, credit to them, but credit to you for, cuz not everybody has that. And so

Jayne Moore: I'm really blessed by being around them, I must be honest.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, it's, it's, it's amazing really what you, what you've got going on there. And so, um,

Jayne Moore: it's really interesting how lots of people try and at that stage cause you've got such a great team.

Yeah. You know, people do come fishing in my opinion,

Matt Edmundson: oh, I, I, I bet I've got half their emails, so. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Jayne Moore: are, um, We are a very collaborative approach and a team here. Mm-hmm. There's no hierarchy particularly. We have a leadership team, but actually everyone's voice is valued. Yeah. Um, when we first started the team meeting, we still get around outside and, um, it's really important to me that everyone's got a voice.

Yeah. I'm the first one to say, call bullshit if you see bullshit. You know, let's not do that.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, no, it's interesting. Uh, you make reference to everyone has a voice cuz we, we, when we talked about this before and we're like, let's call the podcast Finding My Voice, which obviously, you know, testament to you overcoming the cancer and still having the paralyzed larynx and and falling.

Jayne Moore: It was a really interesting week, I was at the strawberry fields, uh, Christmas Carol concert last weekend. Mm-hmm. , now I, the team will go on karaoke nights or whatever and I never sing. Um, but I was sitting behind Julia Bird, who's John's sister and this amazing strawberry field, brass band was on and the kids were singing and I got really carried away and just started singing.

Oh, fantastic. School age, Christmas carols and I'd tears just streaming. Yeah. Yeah. You're not gonna see me karaoke anytime soon.

Matt Edmundson: No, no. I would like to hear you sing Christmas Carols though. Cause that just sounds lovely. Uh, that sounds, that sounds, uh, very, um, restorative, uh, and very healing, I would've thought.

Very magical. Um, we're at that part of the show, Jayne. I do the hundred questions. So are you ready for this? I need, I need like a, a piece of music for this. Really? Yeah. Yeah. So the, the premise of this, uh, if you're listening is I have a bunch of cards in my hand. Jayne is gonna say, stop. And wherever she says, stop.

I'm gonna read that question. Okay. And see what comes up. So go ahead.

Jayne Moore: Stop.

Matt Edmundson: Stop there. Okay. Here's the question, Jayne.

Jayne Moore: Is it age appropriate Matt?

Matt Edmundson: Uh, you'll have to tell me. Would you like to live more in your body or more in your head?

Jayne Moore: Ooh, that's a really interesting one.

I've been brought up by a proud scouzer mom who's always tried to make me own my own body. And, you know, as a curvy girl, it's an interesting one, um, to ask. Mm-hmm. I think, I dunno how you can separate the two. It's quite a challenging. Anyone who wants to spend an hour in my head, good luck to you, because the nature, the, the person, I'm always looking for solutions. I'm always pushing, it can be exhausting sometimes. Um, . Oh, I dunno how you can separate the two because mind and body are connected.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. I, I think it's a really tricky question.

Jayne Moore: Well, it is, and actually maybe I live in my spirit as well. Mm-hmm. Maybe I'll just choose spirit over both of them.

So Yeah,

Matt Edmundson: I like that. I like that. Yeah. Let's go with that one. Let's go with that one, Jayne. Listen. Yeah, it was a hard one. Well, this one's slightly easier. Right. As you know, this show is sponsored by Aurion Media, which specializes in helping good folks set up and run their own podcasts. Right. So I'm curious, do you have a podcast yourself?

Jayne Moore: No.

Matt Edmundson: So let's, let's, let's assume you do, right? Okay. I'm curious, um, if you could have anyone on your show, right, uh, past, present, or future, someone that you'd really love to talk to, who's had a big impact on your life, who would it be?

Jayne Moore: Can I have two?

Matt Edmundson: Yeah as many as you like love. It's your show.

Jayne Moore: I'd love to.

Well, I have already thanked Karren Brady fro being an inspiration. She was the, the catalyst for me to go forward. So I'd like to have Karren, I think she's a really inspiring leader. Um, as a woman in business. She, for me embodies a kind of, the, the, she doesn't deal, she doesn't lead with an agenda. Yeah. She leads with the fact she's running business.

Yeah. And that for me, problem, I, I model that I suppose in my own leadership style. Um, But there's a, there's a really good friend of mine, Alex Cousins, who when things are quite challenging and when, uh, people are behaving in less than a nice way, she says, let's be more Michelle Obama. I'd love to meet Michelle Obama.

Okay. That should be a great interview, I think. Um, and who else would I want to, somebody I did get to meet.. Uh, but she had a, didn't have her hearing aid turned on when I was chatting to her. It was Jane Osso. Okay. One interesting life that lady's led. Mm-hmm. . Um, and again, as a pioneer in her age and her generation, there's a lot we don't know about the work that she did mm-hmm. With young people.

Um, she kind of, you know, supported young people getting into, into the industry and also into getting back on track with life. So, And she's an interesting ol' broad as she describe herself to me. So she finally did turn hearing aid on. Um, so there are three women that I'd love to sort to have on my podcast and, and we'd have to call it Liver Birds, wouldn't we?

Matt Edmundson: You would have to call it liver birds. It's such a good name for your podcast. And you could just literally go around all the women in Liverpool interviewing them on this. It'd just be amazing. Absolutely.

Jayne Moore: Yeah. All of those scouzer moms are like warriors,

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Yeah.

Jayne Moore: Um, yeah. But, um, but that'd make quite interesting mix.

I think, you know, cause you've got a Hollywood glamor old school. You've got current business leader and you've got someone who Michelle Obama. She's, uh, she just has a dignity about her. I think.

Matt Edmundson: There is something about Michelle Obama isn't there, which is extraordinary. Um, and I, you almost want her to run for President.

Do you know what I mean? It's that kind of, um, yeah. And I get what you mean with Michelle Obama, I'd love to have them all on the show, uh, to be fair and, and chat to them and talk to them. It's, um, it's brilliant. Jayne, listen, uh, I'm aware of time, uh, and as always, time gets away from us. Thank you for coming onto the show.

Genuinely love hearing your story, love hearing you talk with your, uh, gravely voice and just aware of it just reminds me of, of, of all the stuff you've managed to overcome. So thank you for being lovely. Thank you for being inspiring. Um, you're an absolute legend.

Jayne Moore: I start my day a bit like Mar Stra all husky and kind of gravely, but by the end of the day, I'm a bit more Marge Simpson,

Matt Edmundson: does that mean your hair goes up as well?

Jayne Moore: Yes hair goes up but voice goes deeper. Or Marge's Sisters maybe.

Matt Edmundson: Oh, it's such a brilliant thing. Uh, and on that bombshell, um, how do people reach you if they wanna get a hold of you, whether you know you're Marge Simpson or not?

Jayne Moore: Well, I'm on LinkedIn. Jayne with a y Moore with an e, uh, is usually the, the most direct port call cuz it goes straight to my pocket in my phone, um, or the website is

Although the website's about to be rebuilt so it's, it's uh, a little outta date at the moment cause we've moved on. They love what we're doing. So lot of restructuring to do.

Matt Edmundson: A lot of companies are doing that, aren't they? Post covid? Cause everyone's had to sort of pivot and redo things and the world's changed a lot.

Jayne Moore: I should also thank you. When we were doing our heroette, as I called them, launching five new businesses during lockdown. Uh, you were a great support to me and gave me lots of inspiration. So I'm really grateful for the time you gave me. Um, E-commerce hero that you are.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Well, I, I dunno about that, but No, no, great.

It was great. It was lovely to be with you guys actually. And, um, so fantastic. We will of course link to Jayne's LinkedIn profile. Uh, and of course if you do wanna get ahold of her, just give her a ring because why not, right? Yeah. Old school. See what happens.

Jayne Moore: Kick the doors in. I always say.

Matt Edmundson: Absolutely do it. Do it, nah, it's been brilliant. What a great conversation. Uh, thanks to Jayne for joining me today. Isn't she fantastic? Uh, and a big shout out again to today's show sponsor Aurion media. If you are wondering if podcasting is a good marketing strategy, uh, for your business, whether it's called live birds, or Scouzer mums, or whatever you want to call it.

Uh, do connect with them. Yeah. at That's A U R I O N media dot com. We will of course link to them, uh, on the, uh, show notes as well, which, Let's face it, you should have them come into your inbox if you've signed up to the newsletter. Now, be sure to follow push to be more, uh, wherever you get your podcast from because we've got yet more great conversations lined up and I don't want you to miss any of them.

And in case no one has told you yet, today you are. . Awesome. Yes, you are absolutely awesome. It's just a burden you've got to bear. Jayne has to bear it. Uh, I have to bear it. You've gotta bear it. It's just the way it's right? So, uh, let's just bear it with pride. as say, say, Push To Be More is produced by Aurion Media.

You can find our entire archive of episodes on your favorite podcast app. The team that makes this show possible is Sadaf Beynon, Josh Catchpole, Estella, Robin and Tim Johnson. Our theme music was written by Josh Edmundson, and as I mentioned, if you'd like to read the transcript or show notes, head over to the website,, where as I've also said, you can sign up for our weekly newsletter and get all of this good stuff direct your inbox totally for free.

That's it from me. That's it from Jayne. Thank you so much for joining us. Have a fantastic week. Uh, I'll see you next time. Bye for now.