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Vulnerability, The Unexpected Key to Success | Joe Davis

Today’s Guest Joe Davis

Joe Davis is a Managing Director and Senior Partner at Boston Consulting Group, former Head of BCG in North America, and was named a Top 25 Consultant in 2011. Chair of BCG’s Center for Inclusion and Equity, he co-founded CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion. A Whitman College graduate and Harvard MBA, Joe enjoys running, gardening, and spending time with his wife, four children, and seven grandchildren.

In this episode of Push To Be More, Matt Edmundson interviews Joe Davis, a Managing Director and Senior Partner at Boston Consulting Group, about his life and leadership. Together they discuss the importance of mentorship and vulnerability in business, Joe reflects on how being open about your own limitations can foster strong connections and drive success. Joe's advice and mindset offers a refreshing take on vulnerability in the business world and provides listeners with the tools they need to succeed in a high profile career.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The Power of Vulnerability in Leadership: Joe emphasises that showing vulnerability, such as admitting mistakes or uncertainties, can build stronger connections and trust with others. This authenticity is crucial in today’s leadership, as it allows leaders to be more relatable and effective.
  2. The Importance of Mentorship: Joe discusses the profound impact a good mentor can have on one’s career and personal growth. He encourages finding mentors who push you to improve while also having your back, highlighting that mentorship is a two-way street.
  3. Balancing Personal Well-being with Professional Demands: Joe shares that maintaining personal well-being, through activities like running and meditation, is essential for sustaining high performance in a demanding career. He also notes the importance of drawing energy from positive interactions with others to stay motivated and focused.

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